You Are My Gravity

Chapter 553: Come back

Zhou Ping's voice was not loud. Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan, who was walking in the front, didn't hear it, only Xiang Qiuchi.

Hearing Zhou Ping's words, Xiang Qiuchi's face suddenly changed, and his heart swelled, and a cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back.

He just understood the killing intent just now, could she know this aunt?

It's impossible. She didn't even look at it. How did she know?

Could this woman really have such great magical powers?

Xiang Qiuchi has always been very confident about his abilities.

He could hide all his murderous auras completely, and no one would even notice how this woman knew.

In a short period of time, countless thoughts flashed through Xiang Qiuchi's mind. He was hesitating whether to kill without doing two things, or... to observe?

"Even though the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, it is not impossible to look back."

Zhou Ping walked slowly, feeling a little bit complicated. Seeing Xiang Qiuchi today, I can see how much he had experienced before. This young man is extremely evil.

It was very dangerous, Zhou Ping thought to herself, looking at Xiang Qiuchi's face is not a big evil, there should be a bottom line in her heart.

Such a child, if he can draw as many as possible to make him give up his goal, it is naturally the best.

Even if you can't, you can remind the other party to let him know that she knows him well, don't act rashly.

In short, make a grass, start a snake.

Xiang Qiuchi slowly lowered his hand and gave up the idea of ​​killing Zhou Ping.

It's not how scrupulous he is, but he suddenly felt that he didn't want to.

Perhaps it would be more interesting to keep it, but he wanted to know what Zhou Ping planned to do with him next.

Since entering the industry, the business that Qiu Chi has taken over has become more and more relaxed, and there are no challenges. Now it is rare to encounter an interesting one, and he feels a little fun.

Xiang Qiuchi walked a half step forward and approached Zhou Ping: "Auntie I don't know if I have thought about it. Perhaps for some people, putting down the knife in her hand is equivalent to giving others a chance to kill him."

Xiang Qiuchi seemed to be ridiculing his words and was very relaxed, but in his words, there was a blade of sword rain hidden, and there were dangers.

"For some people, the butcher knife is both a slaughter and self-protection."

Xiang Qiuchi is like this. If her butcher knife is put down, it will be chopped off soon.

He has been the number one for so many years, and one of the killers behind is counted as one, and who doesn't want to kill him.

The butcher knife in his hand really couldn't be put, and he didn't want to put it.

People can only control their own destiny if they have absolute force.

When Zhou Ping heard Xiang Qiuchi say this, she didn't say anything.

This person has a firm mind, and it seems that he will not be shaken by a few words of her casually.

However, it seems to be more careful in the future.

It's just that, what kind of person, such a great ability, can invite such a dangerous person?

The danger behind Gu Zhixin was really more terrifying than thought.

Zhou Ping smiled: "If that's the case, then I won't say much. If I have time, I will go home for dinner."

She didn't say anything else, and lightly said an invitation to Xiang Qiuchi to go home.

Xiang Qiuchi secretly said in his heart, this courage is really a bit big, guessed what he did, and even dared to invite him to the house, really not afraid, he went to take the butcher knife, and killed their family?

He nodded: "Okay, thank you aunt for the invitation."

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