You Are My Gravity

Chapter 567: Love you most

Qin Se shivered fiercely, and there was a chill on his back, let me go, what does this guy mean?

Is it possible that he still retains his strength before?

Isn't it scientific?

She used to be super vigorous, okay?

As a result, she often complains to Dabao that having a boyfriend with good personal strength and long-lasting is really a headache.

As a result, Gu Jingyuan still said that he was too considerate before?

your sister.....

Qin Se swallowed, "Wait...Jing...Jing Yuan, this is not good. The injury on your leg is not completely healed. Have you forgotten what the doctor said? You still have to focus on rest, don’t be angry, that...I know you are strong, cough cough, really, I understand your mood, but calm down."

Gu Jingyuan chuckled, and his face made him calm.

"Now beg for mercy, it's too late."

Afterwards, Gu Jingyuan made Qin Se truly realize how powerful he is.

Let Qin Se understand that Gu Jingyuan was very considerate before.

Let her know that a jealous man, don't provoke her with a bitch.

Later, without knowing how long it took, Qin Se grabbed Gu Jingyuan's pitifully dumb voice and begged for mercy: "Husband, forgive me, I won't be mean anymore. I will...what I see in my eyes and what I think about It’s you, I don’t dare to do anything to other men anymore..."

"Husband...I love you the most, you are everything to me...If I die in bed, who else can love you like me!"

In short, Qin Se racked his brains and said all the good things before he took his life back.

Qin Se really regretted this time, she vowed that she would never owe anything again.

Otherwise, her life will be lost if she does this again.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning when Qin Se woke up the next day.

Qin Se blinked, feeling a little confused, this, is he sober or sober?

The violent storms all night last night gave her a feeling that she might not see the sun the next day.

It was too **** scary. Gu Jingyuan last night was a terrifying monster, as if he could never get tired of using his energy.

It's not like a person who knows the injury of the leg and has not completely recovered.

Compared to the previous Gu Jingyuan last night, that can be described as gentle.

Soon, the sunlight outside the window came in and fell on him, Qin Se's face and bare shoulders and arms quickly felt a little warm.

Qin Se knew now that my old lady was still alive.


These are the four words that Qin Se can think of with his muddy head at the moment.

It was terrible last night, and Qin Se felt that he might remember it forever.

It was as if he had been in the center of a hurricane, being rolled up by a huge wave, and then being photographed severely.

It was like being gnawed by a ferocious beast all night, and all the parts of the body that could be gnawed were gnawed again.

It seems like a miracle to survive.

Qin Se opened his mouth and exhaled a cloud of foul air. It's good to be alive.

She will never die again, and will never provoke jealous men again.

Nima, it's too scary, too scary.

Life is still very good, she will cherish this little life.

"What do you think?"

A nice voice suddenly sounded in Qin Se's ear.

Qin Se replied subconsciously: "I miss men."


I want to go home the next day, and it’s too painful to code outside (*/?\*)

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