You Are My Gravity

Chapter 568: Miss man


The other party said meaningfully.

Then he said: "What man?"

His voice was soft, very soft, as if it were a spring breeze, and very warm.

But Qin Se shivered suddenly.

Let me rub.....

She hurriedly said: "I want to be a jealous man. I am deeply reflecting on the mistakes I made. I must love my man in the future!"

Qin Se didn't relax after she finished speaking. She almost fell into Gu Jingyuan's trap when she ran away just now.

This stinky man is really insidious in Thailand. Fortunately, she responded promptly and hurriedly rounded up those words. Otherwise, it would be really unlucky. Don't even think about getting out of bed today.

"You know it's wrong?" The corner of Gu Jingyuan's lips rose slightly.

Qin Se swallowed his saliva and slowly turned his stiff neck.

Then he met Gu Jingyuan's eyes full of gentle smiles.

Gu Jingyuan’s eyes are really beautiful, dark amber. Every time they meet his eyes, Qin Se will feel a deep shock. The shock will reach the depths of his heart and will make Qin Se a better one every day. Indulge in daily life.

But Qin Se swallowed his saliva today. The shadow left by last night was a bit deep. This man was too fierce.

Qin Se was puzzled. It was Gu Jingyuan who obviously contributed the most last night, so why is she the one who couldn't get up today and felt like she died?

But Gu Jingyuan, a beast, seemed to be nothing?

On the contrary, it looks like a red face, full of energy, and very energetic. You can't even find any red blood in those eyes.

Your sister, Qin Se wondered if he was the one who was picked to replenish yang.

Where does this product come from such a good spirit.

Are they still human?

Gu Jingyuan was sitting by the bed, holding the latest issue of the financial newspaper in his hand, and he was dressed like a dog, gentle and elegant.

The current Gu Jingyuan and the Qin Se last night really doubt if they are alone.

Qin Se swallowed his saliva and nodded honestly: "Hmm, I know...I will never again! I swear!"

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "If this is the case, then sign this."

Gu Jingyuan handed Qin Se a piece of A4 paper.

Qin Se dumbfounded what it was, but according to her previous lessons, every time Gu Jingyuan gave something was not a good thing.

Qin Se took it and took a cautious look at Gu Jingyuan. He still smiled as usual, with no change.

Qin Se lowered his head now...

From this look, Qin Se felt that if he was dead, he might have to get up from the coffin board and beat Gu Jingyuan to a beating. .

What the **** is this written?

First: Qin Se must promise that she will belong to Gu Jingyuan every day.

Second: If Qin Se dares to be impure to other men in the future, he will punish her to give Gu Jingyuan another child! (Plus the previous debt, now, owe two!)

Third: Qin Se is not allowed to kiss other men, including future sons.

Qin Se gritted his teeth: "Gu Jingyuan, you won't even let me kiss your son in the future, do you want to be so excessive? Why can't I kiss my son?"

"Your son is not a man anymore? If he wants to kiss, let him kiss his wife when he grows up, what do you do to kiss my wife?"

Gu Jingyuan held a serious face, but said something shameless there.

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