You Are My Gravity

Chapter 581: Seeking discovery

He Zhaowen was very puzzled, he really did not remember what he did to sorry women.

He has never even talked about love.

"Master, I haven't talked about love, I really don't remember."

"If you don't remember, look for it yourself."

Zhou Ping took out a piece of talisman paper folded into a triangle from her bag.

"This piece of paper will give you temporary peace of mind for three days, but you must find the source as soon as possible, otherwise I have no good idea."

This is cause and effect, not a common practice!

It is still necessary to figure out the cause and effect, otherwise, Zhou Ping is not willing to intervene!

He Zhaowen hurriedly stretched out his hand: "Thank you, Master."

"Don't thank me, one piece is ten thousand!"

He Zhaowen paused when he took the talisman.

One piece... ten thousand?

Huo Tianen hurriedly said: "Hurry up and pay the master, I tell you, this talisman must be useful, you can sleep peacefully tonight!"

After speaking, he quietly tugged He Zhaowen, and whispered: "Satisfaction, sell 20,000 sheets to my family!"

"Then... Master, can I buy a few more!"

"If you want to buy more, you can... But you can't delay your business!"

Zhou Ping will naturally not refuse someone to give money!

But... He Zhaowen's matter really shouldn't be delayed for a long time, he has been entangled, the weaker his body, the stronger the evil spirit!

Get rid of it early!

Otherwise, if you wait any longer, his body can't hold it!

He Zhaowen looked at Zhou Ping's eyes and couldn't help swallowing, and nodded.

"Good... good."

Zhou Ping got up, "Wait for you to find the root cause, come find me again!"

He Zhaowen hurriedly said: "Then...Master, can you leave a contact information, WeChat and everything, so I can transfer the money to you."

So Zhou Ping asked He Zhaowen to add WeChat.

He quickly transferred 20,000.

Zhou Ping reminded before leaving: "In general, in this situation, either you have failed others, or someone can't love you. In short, there won't be so many in this world for no reason."

He Zhaowen nodded repeatedly: "Thank you, Master, I remembered."

Before Zhou Ping left the coffee shop, the phone rang again.

Zhou Ping put the phone to her ear and heard Qin Se's voice:

"Mom, why haven't you come back! What happened?"

"I took the order halfway and went back."

"Business? What kind of business!" Qin Se quickly asked curiously.

She remembered that Xu Mu had just called and said her mother was now with another man.

Did her mother take over a man's business?

Qin Se decided to be more vigilant, she still hoped that Xu Mu would be her stepdad.

"Help people break the peach blossom evil."

Zhou Ping didn't bother to say casually.

"Mom, you are so amazing, then...who is the other party? Why did he find you? Does he know you?"

"Why do you have so many questions, go back and talk about it."

Then Zhou Ping hung up the phone.

Qin Se sighed, Mom, you are the one who hung up the phone in such a hurry, I haven't told you yet, Uncle Xu is looking for you!

Xu Mu learned from Qin Senna where Zhou Ping came today. Then he killed it.

On Zhou Ping's side, she was walking, suddenly her hand was held.

Zhou Ping was startled, and subconsciously wanted to shoot people.

"it's me."

Zhou Ping heard Xu Mu's voice, and immediately turned to see that he was only wearing a mask.

No hats.

Those pretty eyes were exposed, and she smiled. Zhou Ping hurriedly looked around: "You are crazy, why are you here? What if you are discovered?"

Xu Mu leaned closer and said, "I was shooting nearby and happened to ran into you."

Of course he secretly said in his heart: Lao Tzu wished to be discovered.

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