You Are My Gravity

Chapter 582: Waiting for proposal

What Xu Mu felt very dissatisfied at this moment was that the man had been separated from Zhou Ping, and he had not seen it!


He really wanted to rush forward and kill the shameless man!

Xu Mu felt regretful, this is really a pity!

Really, he is not kidding!

What he said was true. On the way here, Xu Mu thought of a lot of damaging attention!

After who wants to come, the man has already run away!

Zhou Ping tried to withdraw her hand from Xu Mu's.

"This is a big shopping mall. There are so many people coming and going. What should I do if I was discovered? You quickly let go and don't drag me down."

Xu Mu heartache!

If this is someone else, I would love to be discovered.

After all, it was the woman he fancyed, who was always so different.

However, Xu Mu still did not let go.

He took out a mask and put on Zhou Ping, "Okay, let's go."

Zhou Ping...

Is this operation useful?

Obviously it is useless.

Before I walked far, I heard a man shouting: "Xu Mu...really is Xu Mu..."

After hearing this sound, Zhou Ping's first reaction was to push Xu Mu away.

But, how could Xu Mu make her wishful?

He was so happy when he heard that he was recognized.

Finally, the wish was fulfilled, and the eyes of the people of China Everbright were really sharp!

that's nice! ! !

Xu Mu hugged Zhou Ping's shoulder for the first time: "Don't be afraid, there is me."

Zhou Ping vomited blood, my mother was not afraid of it, my mother didn't want to be too close to you.


It was useless, because more and more people recognized Xu Mu.

Surrounded one after another.

Keep them, the water that is enclosed will not leak.

"Xu Mu, it's really Xu Mu..."

"Oh my God, I can meet Lao Xu by chance. I have to post to Moments."

"Is the person next to Lao Xu the shepherd's wife?"

"Can Old Xu and Yingying?"

Xu Mu hugged Zhou Ping and tried his best to protect her from being squeezed by the crowd.

"I'm sorry everyone, listen to me, today I was just shopping with my girlfriend, taking a photo and signing is really not enough to satisfy everyone, please let me make it, my girlfriend is not used to this kind of scene."

Xu Mu's voice is very clear. He hopes that he and Zhou Ping will be photographed by the media, but he does not want to affect Zhou Ping.

Xu Mu put one arm around Zhou Ping's shoulder and the other hand protected her head.

Someone in the crowd screamed, "Wow, it's really the shepherd's wife."

"My sister-in-law, I am your fan. Thank you for your precise poverty alleviation and help Lao Xu to get out of the single. Thank you for your kindness. I wish you happiness with Lao Xu and the He Meimei family."

"Yes, yes, I wish the shepherd's wife Lao Xu's family happiness and we will always support you."

Xu Mu was not satisfied with these voices.

Waved to the crowd.

"Don't worry, your shepherd's wife will lead me to a happy journey."

Zhou Ping twitched the corner of her mouth.

This guy really used the fake ones seriously.

She smashed Xu Mu with her elbow.

Xu Mu smiled deeper.

"Everyone, let's not stop Old Xu from falling in love."

"Yes, let's... give Lao Xu some face, otherwise, what should I do if I am rejected by Sister-in-law when I return?"

With the support of Xu Mu fans, the crowd gave way.

Xu Mu hugged Zhou Ping and left.

Someone behind him shouted: "When will old Xu get married." Xu Mu turned around and said, "It's almost coming, I'm waiting for Sister-in-law to propose to me..."


Finally returned home, hot pot spicy crayfish, waiting for me.

Lie down on the train and wrote a chapter with my mobile phone. When I arrive home tomorrow morning, I am inspired to make up what I have missed before.

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