You Are My Gravity

Chapter 601: Stop pretending


Deliberately let Zhou Ping fall asleep, so that they can mess around, and then... If Zhen Baoer is really missing, then Zhou Ping will not be able to help them if they want to find someone.

Perhaps the other party felt that Zhou Ping's existence was too bad!

Because before, several assassinations against Gu Zhixin were discovered by Zhou Ping.

Gu Jingyuan's heart was very bad at the moment, he felt that the crisis had suddenly come to him.

He said to Qin Se: "I'll go to see Zhixin. Bao'er can't find it now, so I can't let him know. I'll comfort him and find someone to look at him. You call Xu Mu to ask about the matter first, and then wait. Come here by ambulance."

Qin Se nodded quickly: "Okay, I get it!"

Gu Jingyuan hurriedly went to Gu Zhixin's room. He was angry, and there were a lot of things in the room.

When Gu Zhixin saw Gu Jingyuan, he immediately pouted, "Brother, I want a wife..."

Gu Jingyuan sighed and said, "Your wife can't come back tonight. Your future mother-in-law is ill. She has to take care of her there. You are obedient and sensible. Don't make trouble for your wife at this time, you know?"

Gu Zhixin asked in a low voice, "But I miss my wife, can I go?"

Gu Jingyuan shook his head: "No, you go, Bo'er not only has to take care of you, your mother-in-law and your brother-in-law, but also take care of you. You don't want her tired to sleep, right?"

In front of Gu Zhixin, Gu Jingyuan didn't show any strangeness.

Tell the truth.

Gu Jingyuan is still a bit confused now, whether this stinky boy is good or not.

Sometimes, I think he is good, the thief is shrewd.

Sometimes I think he is not good, and he is still so stupid.

Gu Jingyuan touched Gu Zhixin's head: "Okay, go to sleep, be honest, when you open your eyes tomorrow, your wife will come back, and she asked me to tell you that you have to stay here and stay obedient and don't go anywhere. ."

Gu Zhixin looked depressed and unhappy, and did not reply to Gu Jingyuan's words.

"I'm leaving go to bed now."

Gu Jingyuan turned around and walked to the door, opened the door and went out. Before closing the door, he suddenly asked, "Smelly boy, if you are better, don't pretend."

But Gu Zhixin, who was sitting on the bed alone, did not respond.

Gu Jingyuan frowned and closed the door.

Qin Se was anxiously asking about what happened to Xu Mu today.

Xu Mu heard Qin Se say that Zhou Ping was not awake now, and she was almost scared to death. Now she has left her job and is rushing here.

In the car, Xu Mu tried hard to recall what happened after he and Zhou Ping met: "The person your mother met was Huo Tianen and a friend of his when I was there. It seemed that I wanted to ask your mother for help. I arrived. At that time they had already separated. When we walked out of the mall, my mother and I ran into two groups of fans who recognized me. The first group was better, but the second group was less polite. However, it seems that Nothing else happened..."

"Uncle Xu, think about it, and then think about other details!"

Xu Mu suddenly remembered something: "Oh, yes... I remembered, after the second group of people dispersed, your mother sent Huo Tianen a voice chat, saying that she saw a woman in the crowd. Maybe it was the woman who had picked Huo Tianen..."

Qin Se couldn't help feeling nervous when he heard it.


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