You Are My Gravity

Chapter 602: disappeared

They all remembered what her mother said when she went to Huo's house to do things.

Huo Tianen played a one-night stand with others, but he was taken away for half his life.

Later, I kept begging her mother, asking if there was any remedy!

After coming back, Zhou Ping also talked to Qin Se, saying that in the future, we still need to be careful. There must be some very powerful people hidden in this city, maybe even more powerful than her, so that Qin Se should be more careful when going out in the future. .

Moreover, Zhou Ping also said that there was a feeling that the other party might be provoking in the air.

As a result, today, her mother ran into that woman in the mall. Isn’t it a coincidence?

Qin Se remembered what Gu Jingyuan said, if the scientific explanation fails, then... you can only think in an unscientific direction.

Qin Se glanced at Zhou Ping who fell asleep, his complexion was ruddy, and there was nothing wrong with Zhou Ping.

This made her even more disturbed.

If it's really sick, it's okay, the doctor can still treat it.

But if it is true, none of them knows what to do with that aspect!

Qin Se panicked.

How can this be done?

Xu Mu then comforted Qin Se on the phone: "Don't panic, take it to the hospital for a look, and when the test results come out, we must first determine what is the reason for your mother's coma."

Qin Se nodded: "Ok...well, I see..."

Gu Jingyuan answered the phone outside before going in. The hospital car was almost here, and news came from the person he sent to find Zhen Baoer.

After Gu Jingyuan entered the door, he said to Qin Se: "Zhen Baoer and her brother are all gone. They left at 4pm and took Tian Jinzhi as a bus. Then they went to a cold drink shop and bought a matcha ice cream and a cup of oolong tea without sugar. I went out... and... lost contact..."

"Ah?" Although Qin Se was more or less ready for Zhen Baoer's accident, he was sturdy and startled when he heard that they really had an accident!

There are too many things in this family today.

Bao'er and her brother disappeared at the same time, and her mother is now lying unconscious again.

Gu Jingyuan continued: "In a box not far from Zhen Baoer's rental house, I found the matcha ice cream that has completely melted, and a cup of oolong tea..."

"That...that...Boa...they, they...the two of them..."

Gu Jingyuan grabbed Qin Se's hand: "Don't panic, I've already asked people to look for it. Don't worry, their ultimate goal is not Bao'er and her brother. They will take the initiative to get in touch. I asked someone to check it out earlier. , If the direction is correct this time, I think...this time maybe I can find out if it is the trickster behind the scenes..."

Qin Se felt even more unsure now, but fortunately Gu Jingyuan was there, otherwise she would really know what to do.

"Then... Bao'er's disappearance, don't let Zhixin know about it!"

"I called and asked He Shen to come and help."

Qin Se was curious: "He Shen? Who?"

Gu Jingyuan hesitated, "I'm a friend, people are okay, but there are many girlfriends a little bit cruel, you see him, stay away!"

Qin Se stayed for a while and nodded: "Ah...oh!"

He Shen, who was driving his new sports car on the road, sneezed twice!

Qin Se said, "Then I will rub against you when I see him."


Today’s Chapter 7 feels great today, and I’ll show you some more tonight...

On the first day of August, the monthly pass will also follow...

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