You Are My Gravity

Chapter 613: Get away

The director, deputy director, and producer of the show team all ran up in the middle of the night!

Xu Mu suddenly wanted to take Qin Zheng away. For them, it was undoubtedly an earthquake!

The first thing they thought of was, what about the ratings of the program group?

What about the topic of the program group?

Could it be that Qin Zheng retired?

They don’t want to just give up such a big piece of fat. You know, Qin Zheng has so many fans, and now they spend money to vote for support, and the money they make is already very impressive.

In short, it is absolutely impossible for the entire program group to release Qin Zheng now.

They had originally planned that they would surely be able to blow up when the final phase of the group was formed!

If Qin Zheng is gone, he will blow up!

The director tried to persuade Xu Mu: "Ms. Xu, can we discuss something? Now the show is almost finished recording, there are only two episodes left. When the recording is over, you want to take Qin Zheng away. We will definitely not stop you. You, don't worry about this moment, right?"

However, how did he know that Xu Mu was anxious for this moment.

Zhou Ping is still lying at home, unconscious!

Zhou Ping was not awake, Xu Mu really felt that he was so scared that his soul was almost gone.

Xu Mu sternly said: "You are really right, I am anxious at this moment, I must take Qin Zheng away immediately, I don't want to wait a minute."

The more flustered in his heart, the more gloomy the expression on his face, and the sharper his eyes, very coercive!

When everyone sees it, they feel uncomfortable and stressful!

The director and Xu Mu have cooperated several times, and they have known each other for several years. In his understanding, Xu Mu has always been a very kind and well-communicated person, and has never been so difficult!

The director was afraid that Xu Mu would break into Qin Zheng's dormitory now and take people away.

He stretched out his arm and stopped in front of Xu Mu: "Teacher Xu, is there anything wrong with you? Let's discuss it slowly. You have watched the show up to now. It is not good for him to take Qin Zheng away now? He immediately You will be able to make his debut. If you suddenly take him away like this, what a loss to his future?"

Xu Mu said coldly: "Loss? Ha... Whoever I want to be popular, do you have a turn to get you, let me go."

What Xu Mu said was a bit arrogant, but...what people said was right!

With his connections and resources in the circle, it is not easy to hold the Red Qin Zheng.

The director is about to cry: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, we know that you want to make someone popular, that's certainly okay, but... But, can you think about us a little bit? This show really needs Qin Zheng If he retires at this time, maybe... some people will say that he is ungrateful, you should think about Qin Zheng too!"

"I took people away. It has nothing to do with Qin Zheng. I won't let this voice come out. Don't block me anymore. Otherwise, I'm not welcome. Today, no one comes. I must bring people. go."

Xu Mu is almost dying of anxiety now, if it weren't for the saneness, he would really kick the director and kick the director.

The director persevered and asked: "Teacher Xu, can you tell us what happened? Let's solve it together!"

"Naturally it is an important matter, otherwise I won't be so anxious. I warn you, it delayed my business. I want you to look good and get out of it."


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