You Are My Gravity

Chapter 614: Come with me

Xu Mu pushed the director hard and pushed him away.

He knew Qin Zheng's dormitory naturally, and walked forward quickly. ,

The director, with the deputy director and some other staff, hurry up and chase after him!

"Teacher Xu, Teacher Xu... Don't worry, can we have a good talk?"


This is Xu Mu's answer. Where does he have time to talk to them?

Zhou Ping is still lying at home, why is he in the mood to talk with Too Slow?

The director ran two steps quickly, and finally passed Xu Mu and stood in front of him: "Teacher Xu, Teacher Xu... It seems that the sky is about to dawn. Let's wait for it to dawn and wait for Qin Zheng to get up, OK? Moreover, taking Qin Zheng away at this time would be a breach of contract, we..."

Xu Mu sternly said: "I'll send you the liquidated damages and get out of it."

The director said with red eyes: "Teacher Xu, can't be so unreasonable, you must give us a reason?"

"The reason is that I must take people away!"

Xu Mu didn't tell that Zhou Ping had an accident in front of so many people.

He still didn't want more people to know about this matter.


In order for Xu Mu to stop the director from blocking himself, "I can promise you one thing. If the matter can be resolved smoothly, I will send Qin Zheng back soon without delaying the last performance..."

The director asked cautiously: "If...not going well..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Mu glanced over with a cold eye, and the director hurriedly said: " will definitely go smoothly...but..."

Xu Mu took a breath and said, "If it's not an emergency, I wouldn't have to take Qin Zheng away at this time!"

He didn't want to take Qin Zheng back, but isn't there no way now?

Now there is a shortage of people in the family. Although Qin Zheng only knows a little bit of fur, but... is better than they don't know anything, right?

The director looked at the people around him and sighed. It must be okay to stop Xu Mu forcibly, but... Xu Mu's identity is there.

"Then you...then you are done with things afterwards, but you must send people back..."

Xu Mu nodded.

He walked quickly to Xu Mu's dormitory and pushed the door directly.

However, the door was locked from the inside.

Xu Mu didn't even think about it, and immediately shot the door.

There are four people living in the house, besides Qin Zheng and Chen Mo, there are two other roommates.

The other two were eliminated, and there were two more players promoted from the B level in their dormitory.

It's still early, everyone is sleeping.

Others are just lying down and falling asleep after returning from practice.

Xu Mu knocked loudly at the door, and the people in the room soon woke up.

A boy pulled up the quilt to cover his head: "Who, this is a knock on the door, it's so wicked!"

Qin Zheng hadn't been asleep, so after getting out of bed, he touched the dark and opened the door.

As a result, I saw Xu Mu through the lights in the corridor. Before I could speak, I heard Xu Mu say: "Qin Zheng, put on your shoes and come home with me."

Qin Zheng was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.


He had always wanted to go home before, but this suddenly wanted him to go home, but he was confused.

Xu Mu pushed Qin Zheng: "Hurry up, something happened at home, hurry up with me, I will tell you on the way."

Qin Zheng returned to his senses, nodded repeatedly, and said stupidly: "Oh, oh... well, well..."


There should be a chapter in a while, if...I am not sleepy...

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