You Are My Gravity

Chapter 615: It's his father

Qin Zheng quickly turned around and looked for shoes.

In the end, I didn't see the table and bumped it up!

He took a breath of air in pain, and at the same time, he was sober!

Just now Xu Mu said that something happened at home!


Xu Mu came to see him. It was definitely not the Xu family who had an accident. This was... something happened in his family?

His mother, or his sister?

Qin Zheng felt a little flustered, thinking of himself during the day, he began to feel uneasy.

Qin Zheng felt even more panic right now, and hurried to put on his shoes, he didn't plan to pack his things.

The other three people sat up, and Chen Mo rubbed his eyes, got out of bed, and turned on the light in the room. He saw Qin Zheng was wearing shoes, but because he was too nervous, he didn't put the shoes on several times.

They also saw Xu Mu standing at the door.

The other two quickly got off the bed and shouted respectfully: "Ms. Xu!"

They still don't understand what happened, only to see that Xu Mu's face is very serious, and Qin Zheng's expression is also a little flustered!

When Chen Mo saw Qin Zheng put on his shoes, he was about to go out and asked quickly, "Qin Zheng, what's wrong?"

Chen Mo is Qin Zheng's best friend here, and the only friend who can make a heart-to-heart. He said, "I will go home."

Chen Mo was startled when he heard it: "Why come home suddenly at this time? Is something wrong with the house?"

Xu Mu said to Chen Mo: "It's not a big deal, maybe I'll be back in two days."

Chen Mo is not stupid, "maybe" this is not an accurate answer.

In other words, Qin Zheng might not come.

Chen Mo hurriedly grabbed Qin Zheng's arm: "Teacher Xu, if there is anyone who needs my help, I can also help!"

After Qin Zheng left, Chen Mo felt that it would be too boring to stay here alone.

He wanted to go out with Qin Zheng.

If you can come back, then come back together.

If you don’t come back, then don’t come back together!

Xu Mu said to Chen Mo: "It's something at home. We can come here busy. You have to compete and practice with peace of mind."

The people in the dormitory blinked in surprise.

Family matter, us?

Why does this sentence seem a bit wrong?

Teacher Xu and Qin Zheng, although they are a company, but... it seems, shouldn't you use us?

What happened to Qin Zheng's family, shouldn't he say yes, their family?

Chen Mo also found out, but Qin Zheng didn't. He was now full of troubles at home and wanted to go out and ask Xu Mu what was going on.

Qin Zheng didn't want to delay time, he said to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, I will go back first, and we will contact you again when we come back."


Like Chen Mo, Qin Zheng promised: "Wait for the family's affairs, and if I can come back after the settlement, I will definitely come back, I promise!"

Chen Mo reluctantly said: "Then... well, if you need my help, you must tell me, I can really help you."


Seeing Qin Zheng and Xu Mu leave, his whole body was depressed.

Xu Mu originally thought that he had taken Qin Zheng and was leaving, and no one should stop him.

However, before leaving the dormitory, the director stopped him again.

In short, I still want to stay as much as possible.

The producer also asked a bit, "Teacher Xu, don't blame me for speaking badly, what right do you have to take Qin Zheng away, after are just the same company as him, are you not his boss?"

Xu Mu pushed the person away: "I'm his father, okay?"

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