You Are My Gravity

Chapter 616: Shocked

Xu Mu's words shocked everyone, and their eyes fell to the ground.

Not to mention them, even Qin Zheng was dumbfounded, forgot to speak, and was dragged away by Xu Mu.

When Xu Mudu left, the other talents returned to their senses: "What did he...say?"

"I seemed to be deaf just now, I didn't hear clearly..."

"Me too, didn't hear clearly..."

"Ms. Xu said, he is... he is... Qin Zheng, he... he... father? Oh my God, I must have not slept so late and have auditory hallucinations, I... I think I might need to go to the hospital... …"

"Take me... I will go too... I will go too..."

"And I!"

They couldn't even think of it now. The most important thing now is to chase Qin Zheng back. They were all shocked by Xu Mu's words and forgot what to do.

The director patted his forehead: "My God... we seem to have heard something amazing..."

The producer was pushed away by Xu Mu just now and hit the wall. At this moment, he was still in shock.

He murmured: "My God..."

But Qin Zheng, who was dragged away by Xu Mu, didn't react until he was in the car.

Qin Zheng seemed to wake up in an instant, suddenly he flicked from his seat, turned his head to look at Xu Mu, and shouted, "What nonsense did you just say? What do you mean by my father, are you my father?"

Xu Mu drove the car quickly, "It will always be in the future!"

He didn't look at Qin Zheng at all, his eyes were fixed on the road ahead.

The closed training place for the program group is quite remote, and it is more than two hours' drive from the city center.

Qin Zheng glared at Xu Mu and said, "Don't think about it, this is impossible. It is impossible for me to let my mother marry you."

Qin Zheng is so angry now.

Without asking him whether he agreed, Xu Mu actually claimed to be his father.

Don't even think about his ideas?

Xu Mu faintly replied: "Oh, it doesn't matter if you disagree, anyway, your sister said, your family status at home can basically be ignored!"

Qin Zheng...

I want to cry!


Qin Zheng snorted: "I...even if I don't have a family status at home, I am also from the Qin family, you are not!"

When Xu Mu saw Qin Zheng, he was watching a child and would not care about it at all. "Well, now is not the time to discuss this topic. Besides, there is nothing to discuss about this. If you disagree with it will not affect the result. Don't ask me why, do you take you away at this time?"

Qin Zheng just remembered, and hurriedly asked, "Oh, I almost forgot this. You said something happened in my house. Is it my mother or my sister? My mother is so good, maybe not, is it my sister?"

When Xu Mu was about to speak, Qin Zheng suddenly slapped the car door and said loudly: "I know, it must be the **** Gu Jingyuan who did sorry for my sister, right? I knew it was not a good thing. How can I teach him when I go back? ..."

Xu Mu: "No!"

He glanced at Qin Zheng, this kid, why didn't he let him finish talking!

Qin Zheng: "Huh?"

" Gu Jingyuan's sorry my sister, what did he do?"

In Qin Zheng's heart, he never thought that his mother would have an accident. He subconsciously felt that Qin Se must have been bullied by Gu Jingyuan.

Xu Mu sighed: "It's not your sister, it's your mother."

"my mother?"


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