You Are My Gravity

Chapter 726: Reborn

Gu Jingyuan has now resumed his normal work, because he was injured some time ago and the company's affairs have accumulated a lot. Therefore, he is relatively busy now and is rarely at home during the day.


In the afternoon, Bai Lu came back at 3 o'clock and followed Qin Se to find He Zhaowen's umbrella.

As a result, Huo Tianen was there when he arrived.

When the two met, Bai Lu was very embarrassed, and Huo Tianen fell directly from the chair in fright.

Qin Se endured a smile and said: "You two are old acquaintances anyway, I won't introduce you to you, let's bring the umbrella."

He Zhaowen had also seen Bai Lu, in the nightclub, and later what happened to Huo Tianen, he also knew that when he saw Bai Lu, he was stunned for a moment before remembering it, and then he was frightened.

Hearing Qin Se's words, he hurriedly passed the things over: "Here... Here you... I almost confessed this umbrella, and I didn't dare touch it at all."

Qin Se opened it and checked it again and nodded: "Okay, it's all right."

Huo Tianen got up from the ground and said: "Sister...Sister, this demon, how come she is with you, she can eat people..."

Bai Lu gave him a white look: "Auntie, I only eat men, not women."

Huo Tianen shivered: "Sister...I will give the money, can Master Qing Zhou accept this person?"

Qin Se shook his head: "Of, now Bailu is ours. If you have any other business that you want to find us, you might see Bailu more often in the future. Everyone is acquaintance. Up."

Huo Tianen trembled!


How the **** is this!

Huo Tianen shuddered when he thought that Bai Lu was the person who had sucked his half-life in bed that night!

He wondered how Zhou Ping would leave such a female enchantment as Bai Lu.

Huo Tianen glanced at Bai Lu secretly, and the other party smiled at him.

Huo Tianen suddenly felt like a demon was about to pounce, trembling fiercely, and almost fell off the chair again.

Bai Lu cleared his throat: "Last time...cough cough, I was wrong, I apologize to you, but I can't be blamed on me not, if you are a man with self-control, I will be naked in front of you, What's wrong with you? After all, isn't this still your own problem? I can't control the lower body, just take care of me?"

Over the past few days, Bai Lu's face looked a little dull, and there seemed to be very fine wrinkles around her eyes.

After talking with Zhou Ping, she naturally didn't dare to be the same as before. She was about to "eat", so she went out at night, took a man to open the room and had a full meal.

Huo Tianen's face flushed: "You, you, you..."

Bai Lu shrugged. She was still very sexy. She was dressed in a tight red sleeveless dress. Although she didn't show her breasts, her figure was protruding and curling. It was hot.

She told Zhou Ping that she had to wear a few more **** and beautiful clothes while she was still in shape.

If you want to wear it later, you can't wear it!

Huo Tianen glared at her severely.

After hesitating, He Zhaowen asked Qin Se: "Sister, she came to say goodbye to me that night. She said thank me. I want to know if she...has been able to get rid of her first child?"

Qin Se shook his head: "This...I really don't know. I might have to go back and ask my mother. I have just started to study with her. I don't know many things, so I can't answer you."

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