You Are My Gravity

Chapter 727: Be a policeman

Bai Lu said from the side: "Yes, after reincarnation, normally this kind of resentment has gone, naturally you should leave this world where she shouldn't exist, and go where she should go. You don't need to be too concerned."

Bailu knew about He Zhaowen.

A smile appeared on He Zhaowen's face: "Then...I'm relieved..."

Bai Lu sighed in her heart.

The girl's soul is gone.

She is a fierce ghost. After she passed away, she wandered around the world and refused to leave her resentment. During this period, it should be harmful to human life. Otherwise, the resentment would not increase so much in a short time.

Although in the end, her hostility seemed to disappear, but... in the past few years, the hostility has become one with her soul and merged with each other.

Therefore, after she dissipated her grievances, the form of a ghost would not exist for long.

The most important point is that if she is really killed, then... she won't be able to reincarnate.

Bai Lu did not have the heart to tell He Zhaowen.

Having told him this, it is estimated that he will find it difficult to accept for a long time in the future.

After all, it is a child. Although the reality is cruel, let him leave some hope.

Qin Se Duo glanced at Bai Lu, "Your business is over and life has returned to normal. What plans do you have next?"

He Zhaowen smiled, a little bit embarrassed, he scratched his head and said: "I plan to go back to the third year of high school."

He Zhaowen has already gone to college, and like Huo Tianen, both are now college students.


Both of them are not very good in their studies. They go to colleges so-so. They usually have money at home and spend the whole day hanging around, so they don't go to classes very much.

The incident of He Zhaowen surprised both Qin Se and Huo Tianen.


Huo Tianen pushed He Zhaowen: "No, what are you talking about mosquitoes? are going back to the third year of high school, are you crazy, are you? Could it be that Wang Xiaowen's affairs have left you with some sequelae, let you Not clear in your head, right?"

He Zhaowen shook his head: "I'm not crazy. I really want to go back to the third year of high school. I want to study hard for a year and apply for the police examination next year."

Qin Se's eyes were almost adjusted out, "Huh?"

No, could it be that they exorcise evil spirits and have the effect of causing the prodigal son to turn back, correct evil and return to righteousness?

Qin Se asked: "Are you sure?"

He Zhaowen nodded: "I'm pretty sure. I have been thinking about it for the past two days. I want to help people like Wang Xiaowen. Although my ability alone may be insignificant, it is better than doing nothing. I don't want to. Now that I have been messing around, I want to do something meaningful."

He Zhaowen recalled that in the past 19 years, he had been too relaxed, although there was a psychological problem.

However, he has not suffered any hardships, and he has no pursuit of life. Everyday life is pale without any color.

It's like a day is a day, mixed eating and waiting to die.

After Wang Xiaowen's incident, He Zhaowen suddenly seemed to wake up, and he didn't want to continue to be confused.

He wants to be a good person, at least not in this world in vain.

Huo Tianen looked at He Zhaowen in shock, "You haven't said anything in the past two days, so... are you thinking about this?"

He Zhaowen nodded: "Yes! I don't want my life to be so wasteful..."


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