You Are My Gravity

Chapter 737: Unwilling

Qin Se didn't expect that Gu Jingyuan would be so sudden today that he just came over without telling them in advance.

If she had known that he was coming to propose marriage today, she would change her clothes, put on good makeup, and be well-dressed.

Looking at Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan to Qiuchi, he rolled his eyes.

He should go out today, go out like Bai Lu.

Really, I was trapped in the slaughterhouse early in the morning. Is it too late to go out now?

A smile appeared on Zhou Ping's face: "I naturally believe that you will be kind to good."

When she said this, she almost agreed to Gu Jingyuan's proposal.

Gu Huaizhang smiled with joy, "Mrs. Zhou, this is the dowry booklet. Please have a look."

Zhou Ping nodded and took it. Gu Jingyuan was very formal today, which satisfied her.

She thought that Gu Jingyuan would directly discuss the wedding date with her, and then waited to get married.

However, he didn't expect he could even think of raising a marriage.

This is good.

Zhou Ping slowly opened the dowry booklet.

Gu Huaizhang said: "Mrs. Zhou, we know that you don't like her cumbersomeness, so we will prepare some first. Don't worry, Jing Yuan said that after we get married, we will make good compensation for Shanshan."

Zhou Ping only read one page of the booklet and then slowly closed it.

She felt her eyes hurt, and the sting was so painful, no, she needed to rest.

When I heard Gu Huaizhang say, ‘prepare less first’, suddenly there was a feeling of dizziness.

Looking at Gu Jingyuan's eyes, it was indescribably complicated.

I really want to ask: Can you prepare more?

With so many things, no matter how big the family is, it’s a bit hard to put them down, right?

There are also shares, what do they want shares for?

Might as well give a bank card directly.

Zhou Ping just saw the things in the booklet, and Zhou Ping only felt as if he saw it. Money, a steady stream of money, money like a waterfall... rushed into the money bag of their old Qin family.

Hey, this son-in-law is really willing.

but. Gu Jingyuan was so willing to let Zhou Ping feel more at ease.

Seeing Zhou Ping's eyes seemed not so good, Gu Jingyuan was worried in his heart, fearing that he had not prepared properly, and asked: "Mom, look, what else is unsatisfactory or lacking?"

Zhou Ping shook her head: "No, you have already prepared enough... I just didn't expect that you would take this matter so seriously."

Gu Jingyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "This is what it should be. Kindness is the person I like and wants to spend my life with me. I naturally have to respect her and respect you."

Lin Yuexian was indignant: nonsense, so many things, more than enough to prepare? It can be said to be throwing money, the kind of throwing money without a brain.

Like those jewels, for women like Zhou Ping who don’t know anything, does she know?

Even if you wear it, you can't hold up that temperament, just like a nouveau riche.

Suddenly, Zhou Ping asked, "Eh, what's wrong with Mrs. Gu, her face is so ugly, is she uncomfortable, or...reluctant? If not..."

Lin Yuexian shivered, she was in the desire to survive from her body's instinct, and she shook her head: "No no, I don't have an ugly face, I am...cough, today I don’t have makeup, I thought, I will be a family in the future, so I don’t have makeup , So it looks a little worse, there is no unwillingness, I am willing."

Would like to shit, I don't want to.

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