You Are My Gravity

Chapter 738: Good day

A wild girl who came out of the countryside can even fly to the branch now.

Just think about it and get out of breath.

However, the most hateful thing is that she has no say in this marriage that does not match no matter how she looks at it, and she has to say yes to her against her will.

Gu Huaizhang smiled a little gloating.

At the terrible moment, she didn't still admit counseling, she still cooperated as honestly as him.

Zhou Ping smiled: "That means you are also very satisfied with my daughter?"

Lin Yuexian smiled far-fetched, and she nodded: "Of course I am satisfied, Madam Zhou, you taught your daughter so well, how could I be dissatisfied? It's not that I have bad eyesight. Don't worry, wait for your daughter to marry Jingyuan. I definitely want to treat her as my own daughter."

Satisfied shit, I'm not satisfied at all. Bah, **** biological daughter, I don't have such a daughter.

Lin Yuexian looked at Qin Se and felt disgusted.

How could there be someone who makes her so annoying in the world.

Lin Yuexian thought insidiously that in a few years, when Zhou Ping dies, no one will support Qin Se. Jing Yuan is also tired of her. When the time comes, she must take care of her.

Zhou Ping greeted Gu Huaizhang to sit down and turned to ask Lin Yuexian, "What does Mrs. Gu think? With a fierce look, could it be... what harm is thinking about?"

Lin Yuexian shuddered and shook her head quickly: "Of course not, why would I think of something harmful..."

Zhou Ping smiled gently: "Really? It seems that I have misunderstood. I am a professional habit. When I look at people, I can always subconsciously see what she is thinking. Next time, if Mrs. Gu is If you think about any harmful ideas, don't be in front of me."

Lin Yuexian’s mouth twitched, cursing Zhou Ping’s ancestors in her heart, but she said: “It’s really not really not. I was just thinking about when Jingyuan and Qin Se’s wedding date is set, taking advantage of today’s day. Well, we might as well make all of them."

Gu Huaizhang hurriedly said: "What is said is, what time is this wedding date you are determined to be good...No one is more suitable for this wedding date than you."

He didn't specifically rescue Lin Yuexian, but he was afraid that Lin Yuexian would get him involved.

Today's proposal, his son cares so much, he can't go wrong halfway.

Zhou Ping looked at Gu Jingyuan: "What do you think of Jingyuan? I think you have already thought about it, right?"

Gu Jingyuan smiled and said: "I have thought about it for a few days, but I still have to ask you to decide. After all, you are the authority when you choose a lucky day..."

Gu Jingyuan took out another booklet, "Look at the good days in the last two or three months."

Lin Yuexian saw Gu Jingyuan face Zhou Ping with a respectful appearance, even her own son might not be able to achieve this level, she suddenly became angry.

This is her own son.

Gu Huaizhang kept looking at Lin Yuexian, seeing that her facial expression was almost uncontrollable, immediately stretched out his hand on her arm and twisted it hard.

Lin Yuexian almost didn't scream in pain, but the occasion was wrong and she could only endure it.

She turned her head and stared at Gu Huaizhang: What are you doing?

Gu Huaizhang: Don't be dead, or it will hurt me, and I will be with you when I go back.

Lin Yuexian clutched the painful place on her arm that was twisted by Gu Huaizhang, lowered her head and gasped for a cold breath, almost crying...

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