You Are My Gravity

Chapter 739: Deceive

She decided that after returning home, she must find Gu Huaizhang to make a fierce fight.

Otherwise, this day will not pass.

Gu Huaizhang is now becoming more and more lawless and bolder and bolder.

Even dared to beat her.

Zhou Ping had seen you and me about the couple earlier, but she didn't see it.

She carefully looked at the date chosen by Gu Jingyuan.

"I have to calculate this..."

To count the auspicious days, this is not so fast.

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "Good mother-in-law, whichever suits you best this day."

Zhou Ping then raised her head to Gu Huaizhang and Lin Yuexian and said, "I have been talking, but I forgot to ask you two to sit down... Please sit down, two, what would you like to drink?"

Gu Huaizhang hurriedly said, "I do whatever I want."

Lin Yuexian quickly said: "I... don't drink, I'm not thirsty..."

She didn't dare to drink anything with this person, she didn't want to be poisoned by Zhou Ping.

Now when Lin Yuexian looks at Zhou Ping, he feels very scary.

No matter how you look at it, I feel that this woman can make an insidious trick at any time.

Lin Yuexian slowly sat down beside Gu Huaizhang, her eyes were cautious, she didn't dare to show strangeness in front of Zhou Ping.

Qin Se watched Zhou Ping chatting with Gu Huaizhang and his wife, but he was very anxious. He wanted to know what dowry Gu Jingyuan gave him.

Looking at so many boxes, there should be many good things.

Qin Se wanted to reach out for the dowry book several times, but every time he just moved, Zhou Ping pushed his paw back.

Qin Se had no choice but to endure it, sitting aside and pretending to be good, quietly listening to them saying something against their will.

Xiang Qiuchi was bored and counted how many boxes Gu Jingyuan had brought over.

He sighed in his heart, this Gu Jingyuan is really **** rich.

About half an hour later, Gu Huaizhang really couldn't find a topic to talk about, and couldn't help but look at Gu Jingyuan for help.

Gu Jingyuan didn't seem to see it, holding a cup of tea with a smile on his face, listening to Zhou Ping.

Gu Huaizhang had to continue talking to his scalp.

Gu Huaizhang said carefully: "Mother-in-law, the marriage of these children, let it be settled like this. I will wait for you to calculate and choose a good day. Let Jingyuan tell us, and we will quickly prepare. "

Zhou Ping nodded, "Okay, it should be."

"In the future, it will be a family. If there is anything in-law that needs my help, please speak up."

Lin Yuexian squeezed her hands when she heard it, and pinched her palm.

He pretended to be quite human, and in front of a **** like Zhou Ping, what he said was really nice.

"Of course, after all, if our family Shanshan marries your family in the future, please take care of Mr. Gu."

"Yes, it's all right, then we won't bother today, we...let's say goodbye first."

Zhou Ping said to Lin Yuexian: "In the future, it will be my in-laws. If Mrs. Gu has time, she can come to my place more."

Lin Yuexian vaguely said: "Ok... OK... I see..."

She didn't want to come over, she didn't want to interact with Zhou Ping.

Lin Yuexian made up her mind in her heart, and she must look for a more powerful master to break Zhou Ping's inexperienced sales end, so that she can no longer confuse people.


Today, the computer locked the small black house. It took a long time to lock it. It was just unlocked...

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