You Are My Gravity

Chapter 786: Don't want to return

He knows who Bai Lu is and what she has done before, so when he looks at her, he wears tinted glasses. He always feels that this aunt has bad intentions.

The corners of Bai Lu's mouth twitched: "Can you think not to be so dirty."

Xiang Qiuchi: Me? Dirty?

Bai Lu rolled his eyes: "I mean, are you interested in going out for breakfast together, what do you think? I just want to take a car."

Xiang Qiuchi...

He said: "I go out at 7 o'clock. If you don't come down by that time, I won't wait for you."

Bai Lu nodded: "Okay, I get it!"

Xiang Qiu Chi turned to leave.

Bai Lu said behind his back: "I've gotten into trouble with Zhou Ping this week, do you think I would do that kind of thing? Besides... you are not my dish at all, I don't like your kind of hard work. What about the hard bones, my old lady, I like small fresh meat. Do you understand small fresh meat?"

Xiang Qiuchi couldn't help but rolled his eyes again.

He did not speak and waved downstairs.

Bai Lu closed the door and sighed with a self-deprecating smile on his face.

Even if a person like her has really been converted, when others look at her, she probably still thinks she is a slut.

She played the boy that night...


On the way to the hospital, Zhou Ping called Xu Mu again and asked about Qin Zheng's current situation.

Xu Mu told Zhou Ping: "The fever has gone, but the person is still sleeping and has not yet woken up. I will tell you the specific situation after you arrive."

"it is good……"

Putting down the phone, Xu Mu told Qin Zheng: "Your mother and your sister will be here soon. When you open your eyes, you can see them. Be good, go to sleep."

Qin Zheng was still asleep, before opening his eyes, his body temperature had begun to slowly drop.

Xu Mu turned his head and asked Chen Mo, "Chen Mo, do you want to go back first? After all, this matter has little to do with you, you have to participate in the performance."

Chen Mo shook his head: "I won't go. If Qin Zheng is really serious today and can't participate in the final performance, I won't go either. I will be sick when I see the people in the program group..."

Moreover, Chen Mo was so excited when he heard that sister Qin Zheng and her mother were coming, and wanted to see them.

Chen Mo's words made Xu Mu a little moved. In these years, there are not many children with a pure heart and a pure mind like this.

Moreover, in order to help Qin Zheng, Chen Mo quarreled with the program crew at the time, and even ignored his own future. This really makes people feel moved.

But from the perspective of an adult, Xu Mu still hopes that Chen Mo can go back. This opportunity to debut is a good opportunity for him. If he gives up, it would be a pity. After all, it is already in the pocket for Chen Mo. Things.

"But if you don't participate in the last performance, you can't make your debut. According to your approval rate, you are sure to make your debut. Qin Zheng has me. His mother and sister are coming soon. Don't worry, if you are afraid After I go back, I will be blamed, and I will arrange for someone to send someone back to ensure that you will not be implicated."

Xu Mu felt that this kid helped Qin Zheng and he usually had a good relationship with Qin Zheng, so he would help Chen Mo if he could help this time. ,

But Xu Mu didn't know that Chen Mo really didn't want to go back.


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