You Are My Gravity

Chapter 787: I have money

He said to Xu Mu: "Teacher Xu, no need, it’s okay... Actually, I don’t care if I can make a debut in the end, I don’t care about that. I keep talking to Qin Zheng, or we will retire and not participate. In the final performance, I asked my dad to pay for the breach of contract fees. Let my dad pay for the two of us. Let's form a team by ourselves. I really don't want to team up with others. My dad has money anyway."

Chen Mo sat there, holding his face, and told the truth to Xu Mu.

He wanted to retire a long time ago, and he thought this game was really boring.

A group of people have been comparing each other, and there are some big men who are actually playing scheming, playing tricks, and crying like life and death in the knockout match. People who have not been together for long and have never spoken together can actually The performance seems to be a monument to the best friends, which is really a fake.

Moreover, Chen Mo is not a good communication person, he has few friends.

When I came to participate in this show, I felt that I had come to chat with Qin Zheng. On weekdays, he basically played with Qin Zheng instead of other people.

Even if others come to play with him, he doesn't care much about them.

Because he can see that when people get along with him, they all have other purposes.

Only Qin Zheng, when he gets along with him, he is really a friend.

Chen Mo is a little naive, a little childish, and he feels a little showing off his wealth, but... it doesn't sound offensive. On the contrary, he thinks this child is quite interesting.

Moreover, Chen Mo's words made Xu Mu's heart bright.

Yes, why can't Chen Mo and Qin Zheng form a separate group?

If Qin Zheng was allowed to form a group with other people, Xu Mu was still somewhat worried.

A group, the more people, the more contradictions.

Moreover, Xu Mu had originally thought that this time it was an exercise for Qin Zheng, but when he turned back, he wanted to take him on the way of acting. He hoped that Qin Zheng could be an actor, not an idol.

The "life" of idols is too short. If you want to stand firm in the entertainment industry and go further, you still have to change careers.

So Xu Mu is now looking for a role for Qin Zheng, and he will try to pave the way for Qin Zheng in the future, so that he can go smoothly.

After all, my own children must be loved.

Earlier, Xu Mu really did not expect Qin Zheng to go so far in the show.

The child's ability is better than he thought.

However, after their debut in a group, their first trip was very, very busy, which can be said to be non-stop.

Xu Mu wanted to start a small stove for him, and it was almost impossible for him to take acting classes.

Moreover, after debut, the scope of activities is very large, and sometimes it will be out of Xu Mu's control, and more uncontrollable things will happen.

But if Qin Zheng and Chen Mo are in a separate group, this will be easier.

Xu Mu's mind turned quickly. He felt that Qin Zheng's illness this time was a good opportunity for them to attack the program group.

After Gu Jingyuan arrives, they can go to have a good talk with the program crew.

Chen Mo saw that Xu Mu was thoughtful and kept silent, thinking he was suspecting that what he said was false.

Chen Mo hurriedly said: "Teacher Xu, really, my family is really rich, my family has mines, I didn't lie to you... I told my dad, let him pay me, I and Qin Zheng will be a separate team This group... I didn't lie to you... I really have mines in my house, there really are..."

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