You Are My Gravity

Chapter 826: Landlord's home

Can't you just dislike our children because they are fools?

In the end, according to the number of votes, decide who is going to debut.

Our children have so many votes, why not make our debut?


Fans of Qin Zheng and Chen Mo were about to run away from below, and they all yelled. If it weren't for the security guards, they really wanted to rush up and fight.

For these fans, whether they support Qin Zheng or Chen Mo, they all feel that even if our child is the stupid son of the landlord's family, we can only dislike it if we dislike it.

If you dislike it, you can never be kind.

The supporter hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I know what everyone thinks, but...Don't worry...We have been keeping this news secret, just waiting for the last surprise to you."

"After a month of comprehensive consideration, we have set the most precise development direction for all members. For your better development, we have decided to form two groups... After all, we have a big business, and of course we want our own family. Our children can have better and more room for development. In the same way, we will always adhere to our original philosophy, never forget our original intention, and strive to build the country’s top men’s team."

The host is a very experienced host, and he is very famous in China.

The ability to respond on the spot is still very strong, (as long as you don’t encounter guests who deliberately sway with him, such as Qin Zheng, Chen Mo, Hechuan...)

His words humorously changed the scene that was already somewhat of gunpowder.

The fans in the audience gradually calmed down, waiting for the official explanation.

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo glanced at each other, this...

This means that the two of them are really going to form a separate group?

They don’t have to mix with others, and when they don’t need to appear in front of the camera, it takes a few seconds for everyone to find them out of the crowd?

There is no need to have so much trouble.

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo glanced at each other, and they were happy in their hearts, and gave a high five to celebrate.

Although it was a secret high-five, it was caught by the photography teacher.

Next, a few instructors came up and gave them a compliment.

From head to toe, everything that can be boasted was said. From their mouths, the two seemed to have no shortcomings at all.

The six people who were already sitting there were a little uncomfortable, because they had already felt that the company valued everything more in the future. When they were in a group, none of the mentors came up.

When the microphone was handed over to Xu Mu, his eyes when he looked at Qin Zheng were filled with the love of a father, and Ren Xiao and Yuan Mingyuan next to them looked at them and said with emotion: If it weren’t for many cameras, I’m afraid that Teacher Xu would have reported it directly. .

In Xu Mu's eyes, his own children are really outstanding.

He can't fault it, even sometimes willfulness is an advantage.

But as an old fritters in the entertainment industry, Xu Mu certainly didn't say that.

He said: "Qin Zheng and Chen Mo grew up as everyone watched. These two children are excellent and hardworking. They also have shortcomings. However, they are still young and will only be better than they are now. I hope No matter what path they take in the future, no matter what they experience, even if they are full of sails, I hope they will still look like teenagers today."

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