You Are My Gravity

Chapter 827: Unparalleled appearance

Everyone applauded, especially the host. The hand shots became popular. This is the star he likes to interview the most. Look at this, how wonderful it is.

It's like some ignorant stinky children.

The thought of waiting for Qin Zheng and Chen Mo to make a speech, his heart was very heavy.

Xu Mu walked to Qin Zheng, opened his hand, and gave him a hug.

Although Qin Zheng was a little awkward, but...on the stage, he thought to himself, forget it, give Lao Xu some face, otherwise if he refuses, Lao Xu's fans will definitely tear him up, although he still has a lot of them now Fans are not afraid of him, but...respecting the old and loving the young, the traditional virtues, let's carry forward this time.

Qin Zheng stretched out his hand and hugged Xu Mu back.

Xu Mu couldn't help but feel a little red in his eyes. This feeling, how can I say it, was strange for the first time, but... very moved.

My family has grown up, and my own cubs seem to have grown up.

Hugging Qin Zheng, Xu Mu also gave Chen Mo a symbolic hug.

After the host said some sonorous and very uplifting words, they asked the two to express their opinions.

Before the two of them said it, the host had already begun to frighten. I don't know what shocking words these two guys will make.

Chen Mo asked Qin Zheng to speak first, and Qin Zheng asked him to speak first.

The host couldn’t help but want to roll his eyes. At this time, you two were still humbly. Hehe, I don’t believe it...

In the end, it was Chen Mo who spoke first. He laughed before he could speak. Afterwards, in the words of Chen Mo's fans, he was as happy as a two-hundred-jin fat man, full of joyful bubbles from beginning to end!

Chen Mo smiled and showed his big white teeth. This smile was something he had never revealed before. It was a joy from the heart. The smiles at the corners of his eyebrows and lips made the young boy's delicate face look perfect under the light, as if a little unreal.

Qin Se sighed below, just this kid's face, really, it's amazing.

He looked up at his husband.

I felt happier in an instant. Although the teenager was unparalleled, but... my husband's face was even more peerless.

Gu Jingyuan squeezed her earlobe: "What are you thinking about?"

Qin Se smiled: "I was thinking, my husband is so handsome."

Gu Jingyuan lowered his head: "Say again, I didn't hear clearly?"

Qin Se stood on tiptoe and kissed his face: "I said, my husband, how come you look so good?"

The smile on Gu Jingyuan's face was enlarged.

The girl next to her took a mouthful of dog food, and in order to vent her inner anger, she could only shout harder.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "I am very happy now. This is the happiest time since I participated in this program. Thank you all, thank my good brother Qin Zheng, thank you."

The host can be regarded as relieved, this is like a human word.

The host asked Qin Zheng again.

Qin Zheng nodded: "I am also very happy. In fact, everyone knows that I am not a player who is suitable for singing and dancing. I don't have much talent for singing and dancing, and I don't particularly like it, unlike some players who are real. I like music, I haven’t reached that spiritual level yet, so I’m going to be a drag on everyone if I form a group with everyone, but let me and Chen Mo alone, I’m not afraid...

Chen Mo felt that there was something wrong with these words: "Hey, what you said, why don't you be afraid of teaming up with me? Are you not afraid to drag me down?"

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