You Are My Gravity

Chapter 898: Listen to wife

This guy, if she can often have such a sweet mouth, she can say a few more nice words, and a few less awkward ones, don't wait for him to urge her, can she take the initiative to kiss him?


Zhen Baoer pretended to be angry: "What are you doing?"

"I think……"

As soon as Gu Zhixin said two words, the horrifying voice appeared again.

"Gu Zhixin was discharged today, and the discharge procedures are all..."

As soon as the nurse looked up and saw the two holding each other so tightly, she couldn't talk about it for a while.

Gu Zhixin didn't let go, and said: "It's done, you can go out, we will leave in a while."

Fortunately, this nurse was also poisoned by the dog food of the two for a long time, and was often stuffed with her mouth from time to time, so she reacted quickly.

Cleared his throat: "Well... now that everything is done, let's go later, there are other patients who are going to live in today..."

Zhen Baoer blushed and said, "Okay, we'll leave in a while"

After the nurse left, Zhen Baoer twisted Gu Zhixin's arm.

"Okay, don't leave now."

Gu Zhixin nodded: "Walk around... Listen to my wife, go home."

He said: "When we get home, I see who would dare to ruin our good deeds..."

Zhen Baoer reached out and twisted his ears.

"You can do it, if you dare to talk nonsense any more, your good deeds, you will never think about it..."

"Listen to my wife, listen to everything..."

Gu Zhixin called and told the driver he had called to come in and carry things.

Then Zhen Baoer asked Gu Zhixin to be in a wheelchair and pushed him out the door.

From the elevator, many people came in and out on the first floor, and Zhen Baoer carefully pushed Gu Zhixin.

If you are afraid of hitting someone, you must be careful of being hit by someone.

Zhen Baoer carefully watched the road ahead, and when she was about to walk out of the gate of the hospital building, a woman with sunglasses, a luxurious dress and a wealthy woman walked in and was surrounded by several bodyguards.

At first glance, that posture is not ordinary.

Zhen Baoer quickly pushed Gu Zhixin to my side and leaned on.

After the people passed, Zhen Baoer saw Gu Zhixin looking at the direction of the disappearance of the few people, her eyes were dull and unclear, her expression was cold, and there was no temperature.

"What's the matter?" Zhen Baoer found something wrong with him and asked him.

Gu Zhixin shook his head: "It's okay, let's go."


Zhen Baoer pushed Gu Zhixin out the door, she still looked back, but those people had disappeared.


After more than three hours of driving, the car finally stopped downstairs in Qin Se's hometown of Pushmen County.

Although I only drove one car, it was a bit too good...

And the house of Qin Zheng's hometown is an older community, so there is nothing noticeable when such a good car comes in.

Especially when the people in the car got off, the old neighbors did not dare to recognize that it was Zhou Ping.

He was still the most gossiping neighbor on weekdays, and he ran over and shouted exaggeratedly, "Oh...this is...this is Zhou Ping..."

Zhou Ping smiled and said, "It's my sister-in-law, Yang. I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?"

With her triangular eyes, Sister Yang looked up and down Zhou Ping several times, "Oh my God, I didn't even dare to recognize it just now. Going out, how come it is like taking a panacea, so much younger... …This… Oh, this is Shan Shan, I haven’t come back for years..."

Zhou Ping smiled and nodded: "Yes, come back with your daughter and son-in-law, and give his father a grave."

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