You Are My Gravity

Chapter 899: Good son-in-law

Sister-in-law Yang immediately said: "Sir-in-law? That's right, Shanshan, you are blamed by your auntie, although you are married well, but look at your marriage for more than two years, you haven't come back once. , The son-in-law has never brought it back. It is not easy for your mother and your brother to live at home. In the future, we still have to..."

Zhou Ping interrupted him, without concealing it, and said directly: "It's not that. The kind of scumbag is not worthy of my family's kindness. Our family's kindness is naturally matched by a better man."

Gu Jingyuan stood next to Qin Se, holding her hand, and nodding politely to Aunt Yang: "In the future, I will naturally take my mother-in-law and younger brother to live together in Kyoto. I will not leave them in my hometown."

"My son-in-law is filial... we went up first and haven't come back for a long time. I don't know what's going on at home."

Zhou Ping didn't intend to talk too much to Sister Yang.

The trunk of the car opened and Sister-in-law Yang leaned in to see what she was carrying. She didn't see what it was, anyway, the trunk was full.

An empty seat in the car is also a gift.

Sister Yang didn't know what it was, she thought it must be a good thing anyway.

She hurriedly said: "I came back from a long distance with so many things, or I will help you..."

Zhou Ping said lightly: "Thank you, no, we have someone in our house carrying things."

In the next second, Mrs. Yang saw two tall men approaching with black faces, scaring her back quickly.

The bodyguard picked up things and followed Zhou Ping upstairs.

As soon as they left, Sister-in-law Yang ran to mutter with other neighbors.

"I and you will be great. The daughter of Zhou Ping, who is amazing, came back with her new husband, and the one before was gone...Oh, you didn’t see it. She is really handsome and looks good. Rich, handsome, with two wicked bodyguards by his side..."

The neighbors said one after another, "Is that right? No wonder Zhou Ping will suddenly take Qin Zheng to the city. It turns out that her daughter is promising..."

Aunt Yang tweeted: "Zhou Ping, this daughter is really amazing. I tell you, I know at a glance that the man is not a good person, maybe it is from the underworld, otherwise, a man with good conditions will ask for one. The divorced woman...their daughter's appearance is not the best, and she is of average background. Why do people like her!"

Some neighbors are used to these words: "Everyone is a neighbor, you can say a few words less, if you really let Zhou Ping hear this, you will have to suffer..."

When Sister Yang heard this, her face suddenly changed.

But she still bit her head and said: "I...what's terrible about me, her daughter made it herself, so she won't let anyone say it!"

"Aren't you because your son liked the kindness of others at the beginning, but he didn't agree, so you held a grudge, let's just say a few words, they are all neighbors..."

"Who is because of this, my son's good conditions do not look down upon a divorced woman..."

"Don't say this here. You look down on others, and they even look down on yours. Look at how good they are..."

"Married well, that's because she has the means..."

Qin Se didn't know what the neighbors downstairs said. As soon as she pushed open, the old iron door and the familiar furnishings in the room made her eyes red.

Before she could sigh with emotion, she heard Zhou Ping say: "No..."

Gu Jingyuan asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Ping's face was very solemn: "Someone has been here."

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