You Are My Gravity

Chapter 900: Didn't steal money

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuanjun were shocked, and their faces changed.

"What? At home... Is there a thief at home? But, this thing, it seems that there is no mess?"

Zhou Ping shook her head and said coldly: "The house has been turned over. It should not be an ordinary thief."

Ordinary thieves who come to the house to steal things will make a mess of the house, no matter how clean you have cleaned up before.

But now, after the things in the house were turned over, they were carefully returned to their original places.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Ping's clear memory of the placement of things in the house, it would have been possible that someone had been here.

Zhou Ping knew where to place everything in this house with her eyes closed, even if she moved a little bit, she could detect it.

Gu Jingyuan looked around. The house was not big, with three bedrooms and two halls. Although it was a bit old, the room was clean and tidy. Even if it had not been occupied for a while, there was no strange smell.

There is no trace of being turned over, but since Zhou Ping said this, Gu Jingyuan has reason to believe that what she said is true, and someone at home has indeed been here.

Gu Jingyuan said: "Mom, if it's not an ordinary thief, then...just looking for something, Mom, can you see if there is anything missing in the house?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Ping quickly ran to the room she was staying in before.

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan also followed.

Zhou Ping pushed open her bedroom and asked Gu Jingyuan to help. She pushed the 1.8-meter-long bed to the window, revealing the floor under the bed.

Zhou Ping squatted down and pried two of the floors apart and picked it up.

Qin Se was very surprised that there was still this place to hide things in the house, she didn't know it before.

She leaned over, and there was a hidden compartment under the floor in between. Inside was a wooden box about 50 in length, 30 in width, and 20 in height. The box was not big, and the patina of the epidermis had fallen off a little, and it looked like it was a long time ago.

There was a small lock on the box, and Zhou Ping took a small key dressed with a red string from her neck.

Qin Se had seen this small key when she was very young, and it had been hung around Zhou Ping's neck. She had hardly seen her take it off.

Zhou Ping opened the box, and Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan curiously leaned over to take a look.

There are two books in it, very old, already yellowed,

There are also two small porcelain vases next to them. I don’t know what they are inside. There is also a copper bell that looks very old, and a token-like thing. There seems to be a piece of cloth under the book and a copper side. The mirror, there is a small wooden box, I don’t know what to put in it.

Qin Se probably knows what these things are, and they should all be magical instruments left by his grandfather to his mother.

However, she had never seen these things before.

Qin Se guessed that these things are probably very valuable, so her mother generally wouldn't take them out easily, let alone show them casually.

Qin Se looked worried and asked, "Mom, what kind of book is this? Look at other things. What is missing at home? Did you steal money?"

Zhou Ping did not speak.

She closed the wooden box and locked it again.

Zhou Ping shook her head: "It's not stealing money, they didn't come for the money."

Zhou Ping took away all the money at home when she left. At that time, she was worried that Qin Se had an accident and wanted to take the money. In case it was useful, she wouldn't be anxious not knowing what to do.

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