You Are My Gravity

Chapter 943: Have associates

Wei Hongsheng hurriedly said, "No, no, Master Zhou, our family is safe and unwilling. He is very well-behaved, very obedient, and never quarrels with people at school..."

Zhou Ping said sternly: "Now is not the time to discuss whether he is behaved or not, it is your son who refuses to go home with you."

The lonely ball rolled on the ground, passing through the crowd, left and right for a while.

Qin Se was chasing hard at the back. After all, there were too many children on this road. If you don't pay attention, you may bump into the children.

It doesn't matter if you bump into an adult, but if you are a child, you will be in trouble, and your parents will not spare you easily.

Qin Se chased for a long time before catching up. She stared at the ball in front of her, and couldn't help but want to get angry.

This is obviously not playing the ball, this is passing.

Qin Se breathed a sigh of relief: "I rub... this little bastard, and a companion? More than one?"

This playground is the most attractive place for children, and it also attracts little ghosts.

Qin Se felt that Wei Ping'an might just be too happy outside to go back.

Someone in the crowd screamed when he noticed that no one was kicking the ball and he was still running.

Later, more and more people saw that the **** they were rolling were scattered.

The courage has nothing to do with him, so he picked up his own children and retreated.

After all, the ball he was rolling was too weird.

Everyone moved away, and Qin Se was relieved.

She took a breath and continued to chase.

As she ran, she said: "Little bastard, let me tell you that your mother's crying eyes are almost blind in the past half a month. Your dad, you are more than 10 years old, you just play outside by yourself, you don't want to Your father, I don't want your mother..."

The ball is still not moving, but the speed is a little slower, I think those words Qin Se said have a little effect.

Qin Se touched his pocket and pinched a talisman.

She continued: "Wei Pingan, right? I told you that you have a high fever for half a month. Did you know that your house has become a mess of porridge? Your mother washes her face with tears every day. If you don't go back, you can't hold it. In two days, you will be dead. But your mother said that if you die, she will never live again. You are her life... Do you care whether your parents live or die?"

"You have to think carefully about it yourself. You can play with other kids anytime, but if you don't go home, you won't be able to go back in your life."

The people around looked at Qin Se like a lunatic, because she was talking to the air.

Some people still want to take out their phones to take pictures, but Qin Se ran so fast that he could only take pictures of his back.

Qin Se didn’t see anything to say, "Smelly boy, I think you owe a beating, you stop it, if you keep going, believe it or not, I will turn around and beat your dad, anyway, you don’t care. Your parents, I will beat up your dad so hard that he is bleeding, I..."

Suddenly, the ball stopped.

Qin Se was surprised, alas, this kid wouldn't let her beat his dad.

Apparently, I also know that I love my parents.

It's good to know that it hurts, anyhow there is a point to communicate.

Qin Se stopped and stood not far from the ball in the game and said: "Little guy, go home, you just need to go home with us honestly, I promise, how about not hitting your dad?"

Qin Se's voice fell, and suddenly he felt that a gust of wind came straight at the door.

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