You Are My Gravity

Chapter 944: Little devil head

Qin Se didn't understand what was going on, she worked hard to study with Zhou Ping these days.

Qin Se backed back again and again, hurriedly took out the symbol painted with Gu Jingyuan’s blood and raised it. She scolded: "Stop it all, don’t blame me for warning you, dare to take a step forward, beware of death. Little devil, don't you want ghost fate?"

Although Gu Jingyuan's blood talisman is powerful, it is not enough to make ghosts fly away, but it makes them afraid to approach.

What Qin Se said was just to frighten these little ghosts.

This behavior of Qin Se shocked everyone who saw her nearby. Some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures of her.

Qin Se yelled at the past: "What to shoot, you still want to die, don't run quickly, be careful to take pictures of ghosts on the camera and take them home, I am not scaring you, this is the most difficult thing to write about a kid. , Take it home, beware of bad luck for your family from now on."

Those who were about to take the photos were trembling with fright and quickly put down their phones.

If this broad daylight is normal, if Qin Se said this, some people might regard him as a lunatic.

But now, those people also felt a bit cold, and no one kicked the ball by themselves, they all saw it.

Therefore, Qin Se's words made them all tremble.

No one dared to take that risk, put down the phone quickly, and didn't dare to take another shot.

Zhou Ping and Wei Hongsheng caught up.

Both of them are not young anymore, they chased far away before catching up. After stopping, they couldn't help but bend over and put their hands on their thighs.

Zhou Ping dressed coarsely and said, "Little boy, you can run quite well..."

Qin Se nodded: "Isn't it, there is more than one."

Wei Hongsheng looked shocked: "Wh...what, more than one? What does this mean?"

Zhou Ping took out a bronze mirror and took a look at the front. Sure enough, she saw a few dark shadows in the mirror. She breathed out a sullen breath, "There are really more than one. I dare to play outside because I am too happy to think about it. I don't want to Did you go home?"

Wei Hongsheng was shocked and said, "Master, you said that you are too happy to play outside in Ping An, and you don't want to go home?"

Zhou Ping ignored him.

She looked at the empty road ahead and scolded, "Wei Ping An...follow me home."

The ball in front rolled here a bit, but stopped again.

Wei Hongsheng was sweating profusely. He said anxiously: "Peace, be good, go home with my father, okay if we go home...Your mother is waiting for you at home..."

The ball moved forward a bit, but soon stopped and moved back a bit.

Zhou Ping frowned and said: "If you don't go anymore, I will grab all your little friends and lock them in the small black room."

The ball on the ground trembled.

Zhou Ping: "Follow me if you don't want to."

Although Qin Se couldn't see it, she could imagine that Wei Ping'an must be scared with those little ghosts at this moment. He wanted to leave and wanted to stay and play, and was struggling.

Zhou Ping took out the peach wood sword from the bag, and said, "You little devil heads, don't drag a soul from someone else to play with you, otherwise, I will beat you up."

The still ball suddenly flew and hit Zhou Ping's face, very fast.

Qin Se felt the ball mixed with strong hostility, she hurriedly shouted: "Mom, be careful..."

The peach wood sword in Zhou Ping's hand swept away.

With a bang, the flying ball in the air changed its course, and suddenly fell to the ground and bounced again.

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