You Are My Gravity

Chapter 959: I am here

Gu Jingyuan hugged Qin Se tightly: "It's okay, don't be afraid. He shouldn't hurt you. Besides, Mom said, I'm a walking exorcism artifact. With me, there will be no unclean things, dare to approach. your."

Qin Se shook his head and leaned his head on Gu Jingyuan's shoulder.

She said: "Mom said, if a person is afraid of ghosts, it is because he is naive and has not seen how sinister human hearts are... I am not afraid of the person who entrusted me with dreams, I am afraid that the truth will be too cruel."

Gu Jingyuan sighed and hugged her tightly: "No matter how many cruel truths there are in this world, I won't let it have to do with you."

As long as he is alive in this life, he wants to protect the peace and tranquility of Qin Se I.

Qin Se finally showed a smile on his face: "Fortunately, I have you!"

She looked up and asked, "Should we go to mom now and tell her?"

Gu Jingyuan shook his head: "Don't worry about this. It won't be too late to tell mom tomorrow morning. I will let people find out Wei Hongsheng. You said there was a big fire in your dream. Such a big fire should not be unrecorded. Check it out."

"Okay...Are you finished with work?"

Gu Jingyuan squeezed Qin Se's earlobe gently: "I'm all done, I won't take my work home from now on, and I will sleep with you every night."

"Well, it's okay if you don't bring it back, so you don't have to be busy until late and not rest."

Gu Jingyuan took off his clothes, turned off the wall lamp beside the bed, and lay down with his arms around Qin Se.

"Don't be afraid, go to sleep."

Qin Se's face pressed against Gu Jingyuan's chest: "You said...Is Wei Hongsheng really doing ugly deeds under the appearance of charity?"

Gu Jingyuan patted Qin Se on the back lightly: "Perhaps, people in this world are very complicated. Who knows what he has experienced before, and who can guarantee that he is really the same?"

"I think that Wei Hongsheng is really worried about his son today. You said, he will come to tell us for his son, who is his enemy?"

Gu Jingyuan nodded Qin Se's cheek: "It depends on his heart, how much his son is worth, and whether his life can be worthy of his career. However, it doesn't make much sense to say this now. Wait and see. , You know."

Qin Se has not been drowsy, pulling Gu Jingyuan to talk about it for a long time before falling asleep unconsciously.


At dawn, when eating breakfast, Zhou Ping saw Qin Se's face very bad, and asked: "Why, did you sleep well?"

Qin Se looked up at her: "Mom, I was entrusted with a dream last night."

Zhou Ping's expression immediately became serious, and she stopped eating, "What's the matter?"

Qin Se told Zhou Ping the truth about the dream last night.

Zhou Ping put down her chopsticks and sneered: "Wei Hongsheng, as expected, is not a good thing. It seems that the evil is not small."

Qin Se was surprised, "Mom, are you so sure it is him?"

She hasn't said that she suspects that this matter has anything to do with Wei Hongsheng.

Zhou Ping said, "It's not him, who else can it be? When I came out of Wei's house yesterday, I felt a little strange, but he didn't follow up and I didn't care. I didn't expect that he would come over at night..."

She paused and said sarcastically: "No wonder she wants to retaliate against his son. The feeling is that he killed someone else's son first. People want to pay a tooth for a tooth, so that he can also taste the pain of losing his son."


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