You Are My Gravity

Chapter 960: Wo edge grass

Qin Se looked at Gu Jingyuan, then turned to look at Zhou Ping: "Then... Mom, what should we do now? Do you want to visit Wei's house again today?"

Gu Jingyuan shook his head: "I don't want it today. After I check it out, it's never too late for you to go."

Zhou Ping agreed: "Yes, wait for Xiao Gu's people to find out. What's more, our past is in vain. After all, now I don’t know anything except the dream you had last night. It’s no use going there. Just ask Wei Hongsheng, have you ever killed a child? Do you think he would say?"

Qin Se nodded: "Yes... But what if Wei Hongsheng finds it by himself?"

Zhou Ping picked up the chopsticks again: "Don't be naive, it's impossible."

Bai Lu took a sip of porridge and said, "Yes, it's impossible."

"But Wei Hongsheng loves his children very much?"

Bai Lu waved his hand: "Innocent, don't forget, now his child has no life worry for the time being. After all, this is no longer the last crisis of his child. He will not ruin himself for this. Qiancheng, believe it or not, he will not come to us, he will first go to other people, find more masters, and help him find his son's spirit. We are no longer his first choice."

Bai Lu took a bite of the steamed bun and said, "Huh, you always have to try it before you give up."

Qin Se frowned and said: "Then, if other masters can really help him find his son's soul, wouldn't we be unable to help that person fulfill his wish?"

Xiang Qiuchi finished a bowl of porridge and said, "Look at you, why can't his mind turn back? He finds other people to find out the truth with us. It is not contradictory. Besides, even Aunt Ping can't find his son back. Yip, do you think he can find a better master in a while?"

"Wait, he tried several times, knowing that those people can't help him at all, he will turn around and come to you again."

He got up and said: "I've eaten, and I'll go to work first. You eat slowly, oh, the night I might come back in the evening, our department will have a dinner tonight."

Bai Lu smiled: "Oh, we have all had dinner with colleagues in the department. Are there any single high-quality little girls? Think about your lifelong events in the hospital."

Xiang Qiuchi rolled his eyes: "You think I don't want to, it's not... hey, it's hard to say, I'm leaving now."

He wanted to get rid of the order, but the girls in their department were not very powerful.

Those who are married have a boyfriend.

Moreover, rabbits do not eat grass at the edge of the nest. This is Xiang Qiuchi's criterion.

Xiang Qiuchi put on his coat and left with the car key.

Qin Se suddenly remembered, and said, "That child was burned to death. Let's go to the police station and find it for the record?"

Gu Jingyuan thought for a while and said, "You can look for this, but there are countless children who disappear and die every year. It is really not easy to find this!"

"Yes, this is really a bit troublesome."

Gu Jingyuan rubbed the top of Qin Se's hair: "Don't think about this. I will let people find it. I believe that there will be news soon. Hurry up and eat. Don't you say that you have eaten and visit Xiaozheng. ."

A smile finally appeared on Qin Se's face.

"Yes, I'm going to see Xiaozheng."


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