You Are My Gravity

Chapter 961: Handsome

On the other side, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo were dragged up early in the morning. At that time, it was not completely bright, so they should step on around 5 o'clock.

The point is, the two slept at 1 o'clock last night.

After being dragged up, they both were very irritable. They didn't wash their faces or brush their teeth. They only took two mouthwashes, put on clothes casually, didn't wear socks, and got into the car while dragging them.

In the car, the two of them looked at Li Junzhe angrily.

Li Junzhe was a little hairy by the two of them.

He cleared the sangzi and said, "Don’t look at me like this, I... I’m also doing it for your good. You will start school soon. Before school starts, you will finish all your work so that you can maintain it after school starts. Exposure, after all, it takes a little harder to do our business..."

Qin Zheng: "Haha..."

Chen Mo: "Hehe..."

Li Junzhe touched his nose: "Also, think about it. For you, time is money. The saying that time is money couldn't be more correct. You calculate it yourself. If you get up a few hours earlier than others, you can earn the average person ten times. If you think about the money you can't make in 20 years, don't you have no motivation?"

Chen Mo said quietly: "But...I have a mine in my house, am I short of this money?"

Li Junzhe...

"Well, Qin can always settle this account, right?"

Qin Zheng said, "My brother-in-law is Gu Jingyuan. Am I short of this money?"

Li Junzhe's mouth twitched.

He He……

He wants to cry, these are not two newcomers, these are two little ancestors!

If other artists had so many resources, they would probably laugh out loud when sleeping.

These two people are good, one of them said to him: Am I short of that money?

That little money...

That little money...

Nima, it sounds like, that's a dime or two!

Li Junzhe felt that he probably couldn't understand that the world of the rich is now!

Looking at the two young masters, he wanted to throw them out, so he didn't show off his wealth like this.

Li Junzhe took a deep breath. I am their agent, and I am their nurse. I have to think for them. This is the professional ethics of an agent. I also count on these two to make money.

A wry smile appeared on Li Junzhe’s face: "Two ancestors, do I need this money, okay? I took your agent, and I always plan for you, so that you can always walk the flower path and make you more and more popular. In this industry, you don't have enough exposure, how can you maintain the popularity?"

Chen Mo looked up at the car roof at a 45-degree angle.

Qin Zheng tilted his head and fell asleep.

Neither of them listened to what Li Junzhe said.

Li Junzhe is heartbroken. He swears that this is the most capricious (rich) artist he has brought with him over the years.

One after another is waiting for him to inherit. Being an artist is a hobby.

There is a golden mountain in the house for him to rely on. Being an entertainer is driven out of the house by his mother.

The hardest thing is that he is an agent who wants to take two willful children to grab money. As a result, they don't care about the money.

He looked at the two men's shapes for a while, and it was a headache for him to appear in front of everyone.

Li Junzhe tentatively asked, "Chen Mo, you two, do you want to... tidy up a little..."

Chen Mo looked at the roof of the car with dull eyes, "No."

"But, this...will damage your image."

Chen Mo: "If you lose it, you will lose it. If you lose it again, I will look handsome..."

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