You Are My Gravity

Chapter 975: Want to redeem

Wei Hongsheng looked at Qin Se in shock, as if his whole body was petrified.

In fact, not only Wei Hongsheng, but everyone else was shocked.

Especially Xiang Qiuchi, he slowly approached Bai Lu and kicked her lightly.

Bai Lu suddenly turned his head and glared at him.

Xiang Qiuchi swallowed his throat, Nima, isn't this a possession?

Zhang Qing didn't care about being sad and sad. He covered his heart as if he had seen a ghost, and looked at Qin Se: ""

Qin Se looked at Wei Hongsheng and said mechanically, "I never thought of killing your son before. I just want you to tell what you have said. I just want you to get the punishment you deserve, but since You care about your son's life so in vain, that's good... I will let your son pay for my son's life. I want to make the pain I suffered back ten times a hundred times to you, and I want you to die...

At this moment, Qin Se was completely different from the usual Qin Se. Her eyes were red, her face was mad, and her whole body revealed an indescribable weirdness.

Especially after she finished speaking, there was a sudden gust of wind, cold, and the person's heart trembled.

Zhou Ping watched Qin Se not stop, and waited to see how Wei Hongsheng reacted.

Wei Hongsheng shook his head frantically: ", I don't...I really don' admit it wrong, not me, not me..."

Zhang Qing suddenly broke out and pushed down Wei Hongsheng forcefully: "What are you denying? It's already like this. What's the use of denying...Wei Hongsheng, are you still a man?"

Wei Hongsheng was already frightened, so frightened, he was pushed by Zhang Qing and immediately fell to the ground.

Wei Pingan also rolled out of his arms and lay on the icy ground.

Zhang Qing rushed up to hug his son and cried loudly.

Qin Seyin said: "Wei Danian... Do you think you should change your name, so you can wipe out all the things you have done in the past?"

Wei Hongsheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Qin Se in fear.

Wei Danian, this name has not been called for many years.

A weird grim smile appeared on Qin Se's face: "I witnessed the fire in Shiwan Village, Ding'an County...Wei Hongsheng, my son was so young, when you burned him to death, you should have thought about it now s consequence……"

She yelled: "Wei Pingan, you can help me pay for your life."

After Qin Se finished speaking, he didn't know if it was a coincidence.

Wei Pingan on the ground suddenly twitched violently, and he kept rolling his eyes.

The joints of the body even started to make a clicking sound.

The person who listens is creepy.

Bai Lu exaggeratedly said: "I'll wipe it, this is so awesome, have you seen it? Go in, go in..."

Xiang Qiuchi backed away again and again: "No, it's so scary. When the ghost enters, will he be able to wake up..."

"is not that right?"

Zhang Qing screamed: "Wei Hongsheng...your son will be taken away by a ghost."

These words seemed to wake up Wei Hongsheng, he suddenly got up and climbed two steps forward on his knees, and came to Qin Se: "Please, please... let my son go, I know I was wrong, for so many years I have been regretting it, I want to look back, I want to make up for the mistakes I committed back then, I want to be redeemed..."

Qin Se sarcastically: "Redemption? After killing my son, you said you want to redeem?"

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