You Are My Gravity

Chapter 976: Human trafficker

In the dark night, the cold wind is wrapped in cold rain, and the sky seems to be cold and cold outside the house.

Zhang Qing was already crying and was about to faint, Wei Ping'an's body had already shown a very strange twisted posture, as if there was some uncontrollable force, twisting his body hard!

Wei Hongsheng looked at his son's appearance at the moment, and couldn't take much care of it. He even said, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Since then, I've... I have been doing good deeds in 2016, I am making up, I donated a lot of money, I helped a lot of people, these are enough...enough to make up for the wrong things I did back then, I really spent more than 20 years doing good ..."

Wei Hongsheng's words surprised everyone. At this moment, they finally knew what he had done.

This person turned out to be a personal trafficker, who abducted children.

The burnt child in Qin Se's dream was also abducted by Wei Hongsheng?

No wonder, people want his son to avenge, this is really a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, this is Wei Hongsheng's retribution.

Everyone will look at Wei Hongsheng's current appearance again. Maybe the charity he has done over the years is real, maybe he is really making up. Really atonement.


What about the kid who was burned to death, the kid who was abducted and sold by Wei Hongsheng?

Is it true that after a person has done so many evils, as long as he has the heart to repent, as long as he repents, can he really be forgiven?

If you put it on Weibo, many mothers will feel that Wei Hongsheng has sincerely repented. He really did a lot to redeem his sins and can be forgiven...

But none of them have been hurt.

Only the victim is qualified to say whether or not to forgive.

Only those parents whose children have been abducted by traffickers and who have been on the way to find children know that,

Qin Se looked at Wei Hongsheng with a chill in his eyes, "Do you think these are enough to make up for what you did in the past? Will my child survive if you do this? Wei son, just like your son At the same age now, in order to destroy the evidence of the crime, you bound him, tied your hands and feet, locked him in a cabinet, and burned him to death. That was a person...a child..."

In the end, Qin Se almost roared out, his voice piercing, with endless hatred and strong resentment.

Zhou Ping's hand clenched suddenly, but after hesitating, she still did not move forward.

She thought that this should have been agreed by Qin Se himself.

Qin Se's roar just now shocked everyone.

It turned out that Wei Hongsheng didn't just kidnap a child back then. He actually did such a conscienceless thing in order to destroy the evidence.

After a person kills someone, say sorry, regret again, and ask for forgiveness...

Is it really useful?

Bai Lu shook his head. If these truths were not revealed today, would Wei Hongsheng always wear the cloak of a philanthropist, be praised, surrounded by flowers and applause?

Wei Hongsheng slumped to the ground, the last struggle in his eyes had disappeared, as if he had accepted his fate.

He murmured: "I know I was wrong, I am really convicted... I'm sorry... Please, let my son go, please... As long as you can let go of peace, I am willing to accept any punishment..."


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