You Are My Only Sunshine

Chapter 804: The old man is too mean

Mo Jun continued to analyze and said: "His meaning is very simple. He wants to make the Yun family prosperous. This jade vein mining is an opportunity. As long as you seize this opportunity, the Yun family will be more brilliant. But this opportunity is his one. People can't control it, so let us think of a way."

Yunlong felt that the problem had come back again.

"But we can't help it, it's useless for him to count on us."

Mo Yun said indifferently: "We can't do anything, but we can find someone to help. He is fond of this fatty piece of the Luo family..."

Yun Shaohua and Yunlong were shocked at once, and suddenly realized!

Yun Shaohua said excitedly: "No wonder he wants you to come to the memorial ceremony. He is, this is for you..."

Mo Yun nodded, "Yes. He knows that I will help you, and the only way I can think of is to ask the Luo family for help. What he also thinks is that I ask the Luo family for help, and it is estimated that the Luo family will not take advantage of me. , Will only lend me money. Borrowing money and buying shares are two completely different concepts."

Investing in shares means that the Luo family will always have a share of the pie, and that all the benefits cannot fall on the Yun family.

Borrowing money is easy, just repay the money directly.

Yun Yaochuan just wants to monopolize all the interests, he doesn't want others to keep a share of the pie...

Although very unfilial, Yun Shaohua and Yun Long felt that the old man was too mean at this time!

For the benefit, his mind is really nine bends and eighteen bends! They didn't even think of his curvy intestines.

If it weren't for Mo Jun, they really couldn't see anything.

"Xiao Yun, don't be fooled by him! Now that we can see clearly, don't let him do what he wants!" Yunlong told her.

Yun Shaohua also told her, "Yes, we won't fight, but you must not be fooled. Uncle would rather not let those properties be used by him."

Mo Yun's eyes flashed, "But, if we can succeed, maybe we can inherit everything."

Yun Shaohua has seen it very clearly now.

He shook his head and said disappointedly: "These are all fakes, and no one knows what will happen in the future. We can't take risks for this possibility. Just like you said, all these are carrots in front of the donkey, no It must be eaten. In short, Uncle can't let you take risks, and we can't make sacrifices to grow the Yun family, but in the end we didn't catch anything."

Yunlong also said: "Yes. Xiaojun, don't forget that there are two old ladies and them. Even if we win this time, they will find a way to take everything away! They won't give up at all."

"Yes..." Yun Shaohua nodded.

Seeing that they saw it so clearly, Mo Yun was relieved.

She curled her lips and said, "Uncle, don't worry. I won't be fooled, and I won't let Father Yun do what he wants. The mining rights this time will also not fall on the Yun family!"

In order not to make the Yun family cheaper, she wants to take the mining rights even more.

Things are the safest only if you hold them in your own hands. Of course, she would not only occupy other people's things like Yun Yaochuan did. What she wants to hold in her hand is all from her own hands!

"Xiao Yun, do you have any ideas or plans?" Yun Long asked expectantly when she said this.

They didn't know about Mo Jun and the Hua family's cooperation, only Hao Yansen knew.

Mo Yun smiled and said, "You'll know when the time comes."

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