You Are My Only Sunshine

Chapter 805: The chip was damaged by someone

After returning, Mo Jun was even more busy with bidding.

She gave Xia Yu some medicine and asked her many things at the same time.

Xia Yu told her almost everything that could be said, but she believed that Mo Yun would do well as well.

At the same time, Mo Jun was also busy with Hua Ling, and they prepared a very complete bidding book.

Several other families are also preparing for this bidding.

Yun Shaoqiang and the others were even more busy, because they simply couldn't raise much money.

When Yun Yaochuan saw Yun Shaohua and they seemed to be quiet, they were a little anxious.

This time he counted on them.

If they don't do it, the Yun family really won't have a chance...

But maybe they are doing it, but he doesn't know it. In short, Yun Yaochuan has been waiting restlessly, wanting to see the results on the day of the bidding.

And Mo Yun also planned to withdraw money.

"You accompany me," she said to Hao Yansen, "this time I can only use the money."

"Good." Hao Yansen agreed with a smile.

Mo Yun took the gene card and went to the island bank with him.

The Island Bank is the largest bank in the island city, and it is also a well-known bank in the world. Because the money is stored in it safely and the security measures are very high, even the country has no right to freeze it.

The island bank is special because it was occupied by many countries in the past.

In order to protect the safety of customers’ property, the mayor of the island city at that time used many methods to allow these countries to pass some policies to prevent island banks from being controlled by state power. And this policy has continued to the present.

So many people's money is stored here, especially those whose origins are unknown.

But if you want to withdraw money, you must follow the requirements strictly, otherwise you don't want to withdraw it.

For example, each person only has one card. If it is lost, various audits are required. At least six months or more can get a new card withdraw money.

Or if the card is damaged, it can only pass the trial slowly...

So Mo Yun didn't know this problem at all, and never thought that her card would have a problem.

"The chip in your card was damaged." In the VIP box, the staff member said to her very sorry after the inspection.

Mo Yun was surprised: "What did you say? Damaged?"

"Yes, it's damaged. We can't identify some of the information in it."

"...So I can't withdraw the money?"

The staff nodded, "Yes, you can only withdraw money only after a strict review and there is no problem."

"How long will it take?"

"For half a year, our process here is half a year." The staff said.

Mo Jun: "..."

At this moment she really wanted to choke Mo Xinyu to death.

The woman really didn't simply hand over things to her.

She pitted her at the time, but she did not expect that she pitted her too...

But if she can't get the money, how can she invest?

"Use this." Hao Yansen suddenly took out a card and handed it to the staff.

"No!" Mo Jun grabbed his hand and said firmly, "I said that you don't need your money this time, and I can't make a mistake."

Hao Yansen wicked lips: "What is my money? Isn't my money yours."

"When I get married with you, yours will be mine!" Mo Yun said with a smile.

"You can go now." Hao Yansen said directly, "With the certificate, mine is yours."

"No, I said I would marry you. I haven't earned enough dowry, so I can't be so hasty." Mo Yun still refused.

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