You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1301: Epilogue (41)

King they and the mid-single position, all went down the road!

Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed, this is ... for the lower lane Shen Liangchuan?

Qiao Lian frowned. Shen Liangchuan was the core output position of the team. If they were targeted miserably, they would have a harder time playing!

And ... king was originally aimed at her, but now, why ...

She suddenly thought of the long list of H words that Shen Liangchuan said to king before the game began.

So that series of words was definitely not as simple as what Shen Liangchuan told her.

He must have said something, irritating the king.

In this case, Alexander in the lower lane and her in the middle lane can be easier.

Qiao Lian secretly moved, but couldn't help but say, "Is it okay to go down?"

Shen Liangchuan said faintly: "It is barely possible at the moment. The assistance is very fierce."

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian cleared a wave of soldier lines and couldn't help turning his head to glance at his second elder.

His second grandfather was very serious in this game. He was widening his eyes and staring hard at the screen. It seemed that he could see more clearly.

Qiao Lian couldn't help but want to laugh because the whole body was full of endless strength.

She pursed her lips and turned back to continue the game.

In the second game, although the bottom lane was madly targeted, but because his second grandfather played in this round, the auxiliary supernormal play caused the bottom lane to carry all the pressure down, and Shen Liangchuan didn't have a single claw!

On the contrary, the upper and middle lanes are better developed, so in the last wave of team battles, under the premise of assisting and sacrificing themselves and preserving their teammates, they even beat each other!

A five-to-one head-to-head ratio will directly end the game!

Their CQ team won this game!

The audience sitting below stood up excitedly one by one.

And Qiao Lian stared at the screen of Shen Liangchuan and couldn't help secretly speaking.

The data of 6 kills and 0 deaths is simply too beautiful!

Going to see the auxiliary ... It was simply terrible, almost carrying all the injuries for him.

After the game, everyone rested.

Drink water and go to the toilet.

Because the second game was not long, Qiao Lian didn't have any convenience.

Qiao Lian looked at his second grandfather and couldn't help but say, "The assistance of this game is simply outrageous!"

His second grandfather: "Do not go against the sky! Do you know what Brother Shen told me before the game?"

Qiao Lian, Su Penghao and his uncle looked at them in confusion.

Shen Liangchuan coughed.

His second elder laughed and lowered his voice and said, "He said that he made a bet with the opposite king. In this round, he died once and he stayed with him for one night."

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

She turned her head sharply and looked at Shen Liangchuan.

His second grandfather couldn't help but smile bitterly, "So in this round, I have to die for Brother Shen's ethics!"

Public: ...

Qiao Lian couldn't help but get close to Shen Liangchuan and coughed, "Do you really say that to King?"

Shen Liangchuan: "Of course ..."

Qiao Lian: ...


Qiao Lian was relieved: "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, if I die once, I will openly admit on Weibo that I can't compare to you."

When Qiao Lian heard this, his eyes were hot and he couldn't help holding his hand.

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