You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1302: Epilogue (42)

Shen Liangchuan is a domestic film emperor with tens of millions of Weibo fans. King must know this.

This bet by Shen Liangchuan is really too big.

Because no matter how powerful a master, he cannot guarantee that he will not die once.

Moreover, he is the main output bit, it is too hard to die.

This is not only the test of his self-confidence, but also the trust of his teammates.

Especially auxiliary.

In which game he just played, his second grandfather made great achievements and saved himself the life of Shen Liangchuan four times.

This can only be achieved if he absolutely trusts his second grandfather.

Qiao Lian took a deep breath and stared at the man sitting there lazily, bending down.

His shoulders were so wide that he seemed to be able to hold her up a whole sky.

No, it is a sky for their club.

She bit her lip and only felt that the Liangliang River on the e-sports field became more charming.


At the end of the second game, during the break, the players on both sides did not go to the bathroom. This caught the reporter, ran to the game room of the SX team next door, and started interviewing king.

The reporter asked: "king, what do you think of this game? Why did you lose? Until now, do you still think that China's e-sports level is not as good as your country H?"

King heard this, smiled, and spoke. The translation was: "Shen had just made a bet with me and said that if he died once, he would publicly admit it on Weibo. He is inferior to me. This seduced me, made the wrong decision, and made the audience focus on the bottom line, some of them have no mind. "

King made a helpless look, "I know that some teams like to always play tactics, but I didn't expect that they would encounter this kind of thing. In the end, I was still young and vigorous, and could not stand the excitement of some words ..."

"Well, but I have to admit that Shen's trick is very strong."

"Now that Huaxia and Country H ... I don't know how to compare it, because in Country H, there will not be such a situation ... This situation is normal, because I have lost my normality, so ... you know."

"The third game, I'm going to play hard ~~"

After speaking, I also made a very cute expression towards the camera.

That look was put on the big screen, and everyone below saw it.

For a moment, the scene was quiet.

The reporter also caught the loophole in his discourse, "You mean, it is Shen Yingdi's routine that made you fooled you?"

King twitched his shoulders. "There is an old Chinese saying that soldiers are not treacherous, so although I lost this game, I also have to admit that I really have a bad mentality."

He only admits that his mentality is not good, but he does not admit that he is not technically hard enough.

Hearing these words, the members of the CQ team immediately became angry.

Su Penghao cursed directly: "I'm going! This king is almost shameless and the world is invincible! He means that we are relying on conspiracy? Why doesn't he say he has few trips in private? The clan, the bamboo pole supporting the Prince, has now retired. I heard a few days ago that I went to see a psychiatrist and almost died ... I do n’t think anyone knows what he did !! "

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