You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1347: Read Yao a

One hand of Shi Nianyao, along with him, landed on the steering wheel.

Then Mo Xicheng started the car and took her out.

Shi Nianya turned his head stupidly and kept watching him.

After a while, Mo Xicheng finally couldn't help but said, "Yao Yao ..."


"If you don't want us to have a car accident, look ahead."

Shi Nianyao: ... "Oh."

However, even if I look forward, I can't help but look away.

Moxi couldn't bear to say: "Yao Yao ..."


"I want to kiss you."

Shi Nianyao: ...!

Shi Nianyao's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she immediately looked forward, trying to pull her hand back.

But it was inseparable by Mosi.

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nianya coughed, and had to say it seriously: "This, no, we can't do it until we stop."

Mo Xicheng: ...

Mo Xicheng stared at the front, and after a while, suddenly said again, "I never thought before, why is it so far to eat?"

When these words fell down, Shi Nianyao's cheeks turned red completely.

Moses Cheng smiled at the corners of her lips, and then she was satisfied.

The atmosphere in the car was a little quiet, and Shi Nianyao was a little bored, so he turned on the music.

Unexpectedly, the default music in Mo Xicheng's car turned out to be a song he sang himself.

Shi Nianyao raised an eyebrow suddenly, intending to tease him, "Male god, I didn't expect you to be so narcissistic that you would listen to your own song! ..."

Mo Xicheng stared at the front without changing his face: "Yao Yao."


Shi Nianyao thought what he would explain, but the next sentence was, "You should call my husband."

Shi Nianyao: ...!

Shi Nianyao stunned his mouth wide and tried to shout, but he was embarrassed.

In fact, now everyone collectively refers to those male celebrities' husbands. The mantra is how my husband is, what about my husband ... even Mo Xicheng doesn't know how many people's dream lover, Prince Charming.

She had also imagined that the male **** would belong to her, but at this moment, she suddenly felt that the weight of her husband was so heavy.

She widened her eyes, stared at Mo Xicheng, and was taken away by him directly, leaving behind the idea of ​​teasing him, and how to call her husband ...

When I was tangled, I finally heard Mo Xicheng's voice, "I'm teasing you, so seriously."

Shi Nianyao: ...! !!

Can she be serious? !!

This is her husband!

Shi Nianyao's eyes turned around, and finally came back to God. Why was he always led by his nose with Mosey?

She immediately said: "But you should change your mouth too!"

When the words fell, Mo Xicheng's mouth moved, and he shouted two words, "Wife."

Wife ...

The low two words came out of his mouth, with an indescribable charm that made people feel heartbeating. At this moment, Shi Nianyao only felt like the heart was touched by these two words. Arrived……

A tingling sensation, along the heart, slowly spread to the limbs.

The corners of her lips raised uncontrollably, and her cheeks began to get hot.

Then she reached out her hands and covered her face.

Ahhh, it's just too shy, is there!

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