You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1348: Read Yao a

The red on his cheeks became more and more obvious with his eyes narrowing, and it seemed that the whole face was about to emit heat. Moshi Cheng immediately closed his mouth and was afraid to speak anymore.

But in my heart, I couldn't help laughing.

How can this little girl tease me so easily?

Thinking, I finally saw the restaurant where I had reserved a place.

He drove the car over, and then stopped at the door. When he was about to get out of the car, he saw Shi Nianyao's eyes, staring nervously at him, with heat, expectation and A little uneasy.

Mo Xicheng realized for a moment, then realized that he said that the car stopped, and kissed her ...

It turned out she was serious again.

Looking at her nervousness, Mo Xicheng almost laughed to death.

He couldn't help but say, "Yao Yao ..."


"Get off and eat."

Shi Nianyao: ...

Not kissed!

Make her nervous.

The light in her eyes darkened suddenly, then she snorted, got up from the car and was about to get out of the car.

But suddenly I heard another voice, "Yao Yao ..."


The next moment, his shoulders were gripped, and the whole man was pulled back to the front passenger seat. Then, Mo Xicheng's lips were pasted.

Shi Nianyao: ...

With a light touch, Moses Cheng broke apart.

Shi Nianya stared nervously at him, and his heartbeat accelerated again.

Then he saw Mo Xicheng say, "Someone is waiting to stop. We ... have time at night."

Shi Nianyao: ...! !!

Her blush was bleeding, what should I do?

She lowered her head, got out of the car, and followed Moses Cheng into the restaurant.

At first she was shy, so she didn't notice the surroundings. After walking for a while, she stopped.

Moshi turned back.

Shi Nianyao stared at Mo Xicheng and said, "Is the food in this restaurant not tasty?"

Mo Xicheng shuddered, "Why do you say that?"

"Because ... you see, the time of the hotel, but this hotel, but no one."

In a word, Mo Xicheng was more stunned, could not look at her with tears.

Shi Nianyao: ...

After Shi Nianyao said this sentence, he suddenly realized that he was wrong.

She said in amazement: "Are you cleared?"

Mo Xicheng reluctantly walked to her side. "Well, I've contracted here. Today is our wedding day and I don't want others to disturb us."

Shi Nianyao: ...

Such things as clearing the market, she has seen two people have done it since childhood.

One is her brother, who wants to take her sister-in-law for dinner and clears the market.

One was her father, who brought her mother to dinner alone and cleared the market.

Every time she asks to go together, or asks for clearance when eating with them, the two men will say at the same time, "Someone will clear the venue for you later.

Now, this person has finally appeared.

Shi Nianyao stared at the people on Sunday and immediately laughed.

She followed Moses into it, and she saw a table upstairs near the window.

It was a small table, not big, and two people were sitting there, very close to each other.

They walked over.

Someone immediately served a snack.

"You taste it."

Moshi handed her a snack.

Shi Nianyao took a bite and suddenly "Ya".

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