You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1349: Read Yao a

She felt her mouth as if she had bitten a rock.

She licked it with her tongue, and she suddenly choked.

That shape ...

She spit out in a hurry, and saw a diamond ring appearing inside!

Shi Nianyao: ...!

Shi Nianya lifted his head stupidly, and saw Mo Xicheng standing up, walking step by step in front of her, then holding her hand and kneeling.

He picked up the diamond ring, wiped it with a paper towel, then looked at Shi Nianyao, kneeled on one knee, and held the ring and said, "Yao Yao, would you marry me?"

Shi Nianyao: ...!

I used to think that the plot of putting the ring in the flower and putting it in the snack was too vulgar.

I also imagined that his boyfriend would never do this in the future.

But when it all happened, she had to say that she was still very surprised!

This fright is simply too big.

It was so big that she felt that the whole person was a little misty and misty today.

She lowered her head and looked at the ring.

Then he looked up again and looked at Mo Xicheng.

It was reflected in his sincere eyes.

Shi Nianyao bit her lip instantly, her eyes couldn't help getting wet.

Even if I know again, this kind of plot is cliché, but I have to say that the most touching thing is this kind of marriage proposal.

She slowly stretched out her hand, and then the diamond ring was worn on her finger.

Shi Nianyao looked at the diamond ring carefully, looked left and right, and finally said, "When did you buy it?"

Last night, when he took her home, he asked for a marriage. Today, early in the morning, he hurried to the Civil Affairs Bureau. The mall will never open the door. Where can he buy time for a ring?

Mo Xicheng answered, "It's already prepared."

Already ready?

This shows that he has long wanted to propose to himself?

Shi Nianyao's cheeks turned red again.

She grinned and smiled happily.

Moses Cheng stood up, and at this moment a violinist suddenly came out.

Wonderful and cheerful music resounds throughout the restaurant in an instant.

Mo Xicheng didn't know where to find a bunch of flowers, handed it to her, and then said, "Wife, happy wedding day."

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nianyao took the flower, and at this moment, the whole person felt that it was about to float.

As a result, she didn't even know what she had eaten this meal, how she ate, and how good the meal was.

She only knew that after eating, she stood up, followed Mosi into the car, and watched his car drive for a long time. After leaving the restaurant for a long time, she came back to her, surprised. Asking: "Where are we going?"

Moxie glanced at her and immediately said, "Hotel."

Shi Nianyao: "Ah, where are you going?"

"I've booked a hotel in a suburban holiday estate. Where do we stay tonight."

Live there ...

Thinking of these words, Shi Nianyao's face immediately became red.


Wedding night, what will happen to them in the hotel at night?

She coughed and said immediately: "Well, what shall we do this afternoon?"

"You can do whatever you want."

"watch movie?"

"Yes, there is a cinema next to the hotel."

"After watching the movie, what's for dinner?"

"eat you."

Shi Nianyao: ...! !!

PS: See you tomorrow ~~

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