You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1524: He is my son ... (97)

Mo Xicheng stared at Shi Nianyao who was running happily and nervously, his lips cracked with a smile.

The tangles when coming on the road, at this moment, the moment I saw Shi Nianyao, they disappeared.

He can admire such a positive and optimistic daughter, but in the end entrust the daughter to his parents, which is worthy of his admiration.

If in the future, you can have a lovely daughter with Miss Yao, think about it if she was abducted by another man.

So after a while, if Shi Jinyan is not good at himself, he can only bear it.

Thinking of this, Mosey turned back and took out a bag after bag from the trunk.

Shi Nian Yao immediately fussed, "Why did you buy so many things?"

Mo Xicheng: ...

Mo Xicheng looked up and saw Si Jingyu walking to the door.

He immediately smiled at Si Jingyu, and then said, "Auntie."

Si Jingyu nodded, because he knew the truth about Mo Xicheng, so he couldn't help looking at his eyes, and he felt sorry.

A man who is obviously a big master, has been replaced secretly and turned into an illegitimate child.

Being scolded, beaten, and looked down upon from an early age. Fortunately, even if people are a little gloomy, they are not crooked. This is really God's help.

She sighed and waved at Mo Xicheng immediately. "Mo Xi Cheng, you are here, come in now."

Then she glanced at the things in his hand and Shi Nianyao again, and saw that Shi Nianyao winked at herself. She immediately reluctantly cooperated with Shi Nianyao, turned her head to the living room, and deliberately opened out: "Why did you buy so many things? You are too expensive!"

Mo Xicheng watched the interaction between the mother and daughter, and was slightly distracted.

He hasn't seen how mothers and children get along with others, but in their homes, he and Yao Lili are not really close.

I used to think that maybe there was a difference between men and women. After all, he was a son and Yao Lili was a woman, so there was a strangeness between the two. But now, he felt that he and Yao Lili did not seem to be mothers Get along.

When he thought of it, he heard Si Jingyu say, "Come in!"

This voice interrupted his thoughts and made him come back to life. He hurriedly looked up and looked at Si Jingyu, then nodded with a smile, and followed Si Jingyu into the living room.

In the living room, Shi Jinyan was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper. After hearing the voice, he slightly raised his head. When he saw Mo Xicheng, he nodded to him and immediately said: "Here it is."

It was said hello.

Mo Xicheng hurriedly took a step forward and said hello to Shi Jinyan, "Uncle."

Shi Jinyan nodded, and his eyes fell on Mo Xicheng's body. In his eyes, with a sense of inspection, Mo Xicheng unconsciously straightened his back, for fear that he did not perform well and could not enter. Shi Jinyan's eyes.

Seeing this look, Shi Jinyan's eyes were deep. As soon as he was about to say something, Si Jingyu said, "Well, after a busy day's work, you are also tired, the food is ready, let's eat first. "

Anyway, when eating, it is all about eating without talking and not speaking, and Shi Jinyan cannot embarrass Mo Xicheng.

As soon as Shi Nianyao's eyes brightened, he immediately said, "Yes, yes, I'm so hungry!"

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