You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1525: He is my son ... (98)

What Shi Jinyan wanted to say, she swallowed it, looked at Shi Nianyao, and seemed to be afraid she was hungry. She nodded, "OK, let's eat first."

Mo Xicheng followed Shi Jinyan to the table.

When the four people ate, Shi Jinyan occasionally spiced vegetables for Si Jingyu. When Mo Xicheng saw his eyes hot, he couldn't help but chop food for Shi Nianyao.

Shi Jinyan kept watching them, and saw that Mo Xi's dish was delivered to Shi Nian Yao Jia, which happened to be her daughter's favorite food, and then a humming noise was heard in her nose, expressing her satisfaction.

It seems that this boy is still in love with Shi Nianyao, otherwise, it is impossible to know what Nian Yao likes to eat. He can accurately find Nian Yao's favorite in a table of dishes. Wink.

Thinking of this, Shi Jinyan lowered his eyes and no longer expressed his opinion.

A meal was quickly finished. After eating, everyone sat in the living room. A nanny brought fruits after the meal. Si Jingyu took an apple and handed it to Mo Xicheng. They talked about the topic. "How are you at the company today?"

Mo Xicheng originally wanted to take a word to pass, but looked up and met Si Jingyu's concerned eyes.

That concern was a pure concern, without any complicated things, which suddenly made him feel an unprecedented sense of security.

It was as if the child was always showing her purest side in front of her mother. Moshi couldn't bear to drop her head and slowly said, "It's okay, but I feel quite unhappy."

Si Jingyu froze, "how?"

Moxi Cheng told the truth, "After I entered the company, I counted Mo Zhi, and now Mo Zhi has fallen behind, but I don't feel any happiness, I don't know how to say it, it ’s like, it ’s like ... "

After hearing this, Si Jingyu suddenly realized that she smiled and said, "You have never thought about competing with him before, but now, in order to read Yao, you have to do your best, right?"

Moxi shook his head immediately. "Not for Yao, but for myself."

Si Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief. "If you can say that, you are still very reasonable. If you really say that to read Yao, then I will really worry about it. In the future, you will be the kind of aggrieved and aggrieved. Vent to Nian Yao. But now ... you really are a good boy. "

Si Jingyu's speech has always been peaceful and calm. She speaks slowly and gently, with an indescribable lingering and kindness, which makes people feel comfortable.

Her words and deeds brought her unique admiration, which made Mo Xicheng look at Si Jingyu's eyes with a little admiration.

He looked at Si Jingyu and nodded immediately. "Auntie, rest assured, I will miss Yao good for my whole life."

Si Jingyu smiled immediately, "OK."

When Si Jingyu wanted to say something, he heard Shi Jinyan snorted beside him, and everyone immediately stopped talking about this topic and changed to something else.

Mo Xicheng felt that Si Jingyu should like him, because when talking to him, his eyes were full of joy.

And Shi Jinyan ... should like him too.


When it was nine o'clock, Mo Xicheng looked at the time and stood up. "Uncle. Aunt, it's a little too late today, so I'll go first."

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