You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1530: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (3)

How courageous it is for a man to promise a perfect score in front of another woman!

Making such a commitment shows that he will hold her in his palms in the future and will never bring her some negative emotions.

It was as if all the things in the house and all the outside things would be handled one by one, and she only needed to make her 60 points in a happy life in the one hundred points he made for her.

Shi Nianyao bit his lip.

She stared at the sentence on her mobile phone, and was silent for a long time, so she typed again: [Male god, we do n’t need to do full marks, you 50, me 50, add them together, you can get full marks ~]

Although it was a joke, she also expressed her meaning.

After the hardships, she was willing to accompany him.

She will accompany him in future ordeals.

The two of them can be added together to make the day a hundred points.


Mo Xicheng stared at the sentence and lowered his eyes.

He thought of what Shi Ye had said to himself.

Shi Nianyao has been living in happiness since childhood, and has never experienced what it feels like to be aggrieved and aggrieved.

Such a princess has lived in such an environment since childhood.

And he, he knew that he was not a perfect score, and could not provide Nian Yao with such a life.

However, he will continue to work hard and progress towards the perfect score. Until one day, he can really become a 100 point for Nian Yao.


You two words, I said, until the end of the chat, Mo Xicheng sent a message, waited ten minutes, the other side did not reply.

He knew that Shi Nianyao must be holding his cell phone and falling asleep.

He smiled, and then took a shower. When he got back, he lay on the bed, but unconsciously touched his fingers.

He was here yesterday, and he slept with Shi Nianyao, but today, Shi Nianyao can only be at home.

He lowered his eyes, and then made up his mind after a while.

He must deal with the Mo family as soon as possible, and go to the Mo family to propose as soon as possible. In this case, he can be separated from Nian Yao.

Holding this idea, Mo Xicheng finally fell asleep before he knew it.

Waking up the next day, Mo Xicheng saw a few messages on his mobile phone, which were sent by Shi Nianyao:

[Ah, ah, I fell asleep yesterday holding my phone! 】

[Ah, ah, are you awake? Would you like me to bring you breakfast? 】

Mo Xicheng saw the news and called him directly: "No need to come, I'm going to work soon."

Shi Nianyao said, "Okay, when are you going to work tonight? I'm going to see you for dinner?"

Mo Xicheng fixed his tie and went out: "I'll look for you after work."


Mo Xicheng continued to ask, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Shi Nian Yao was about to answer, and Mo Xicheng had a phone call in here.

He froze slightly, glanced down, and found that it was Wang Dao.

He said to Shi Nianyao: "Wait a minute, there is a work phone."


Mo Xicheng switched Wang's phone, "Hey ..."

If the title wasn't called out, Director Wang couldn't help getting angry. "Mo Xicheng, what's the matter with you? All aspects of the crew are ready, and the remaining funds are in place! Say good, you can make a hundred Forty percent, it's for us in the early period, and 60% for Shen Liangchuan, for the later period. How about the money? Why hasn't it arrived yet? "

PS: See you tomorrow night ~

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