You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1531: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (4)

The contract was signed yesterday. After signing the contract, Moses promised to deposit at least 20% of the money into the crew's account.

Just before leaving work yesterday, I also greeted the finance department. How could it not be accounted for?

Mo Xicheng heard these words, hesitated, and spoke after half a while: "Guide Wang, are you saying the full amount? With the full amount, it may take a few days for the company to mobilize funds. We said a hundred yesterday Twenty-two ... "

"Don't say 20%, I haven't received a penny! The crew is about to start filming, there is no money, what do you want us to do? Everything is in place! Just wait for the money to arrive , Turn it on! "

Twenty percent haven't arrived yet?

Moses narrowed his eyes and stared forward.

He frowned, and slowly said, "Guide Wang, wait a minute, I'll call the company first to ask about the situation."


After hanging up with Wang's phone, Mo Xicheng simply went out.

He connected the phone in the company, got in the car, brought a Bluetooth headset, and rushed to the company while calling.

The call was quickly answered, and he said, "Hello, this is Mo Xicheng, please help me transfer to the Finance Department."

"Okay, President Mo."

After the call was transferred to the Finance Department, the Finance Manager respectfully said, "Mr. Mo."

"Well, didn't the part of the money that you allocated to the crew yesterday?"

The manager of the finance department immediately said: "I signed it yesterday, and the things were done by the people below. I'll ask."

Mo Xicheng was unhappy when he heard this delay. "Such a large investment, you let the people below do it. Did you not pay attention to the specific developments?"

The manager of the finance department immediately explained again: "It is because the amount of money is too large that the transfer will be delayed. This is normal. Even if it was transferred last night, I am afraid that it will take a while to receive it today."

Mo Xicheng sneered, "Are you sure, the money is transferred out?"

"Mr. Mo, I called the bank here and it was all set. Of course I was."

Moses narrowed his eyes.

There will be delays in transferring funds between companies, which is for sure.

But he always felt that things didn't seem to go so smoothly.

You should know that before signing the contract with Wang, they asked Wang to invest, but after signing the contract, the investment amount was fixed, and the positions of the two parties would instantly reverse.

Yesterday, Mo Zhi lost his face in front of the person sent by Wang Dao. It was impossible for him to take advantage of himself without saying a word.

Thinking of this, Moxi Cheng narrowed his eyes immediately, "You tell me the phone over the bank, I will ask myself!"

In a word, let the general manager of the finance department suddenly hold back, "This, Mr. Mo, isn't it necessary?"

Hearing this sentence, Mo Xicheng became more and more certain that there was something tricky in it.

He said directly, "Don't you even hit the money?"

The general manager of the finance department paused. "Mr. Mo, I really hit ..."

"Mr. Liu." Mo Xicheng spoke slowly, without any undulations in his voice, but it made people listen to feel extra infiltration. The general manager of the financial department was named Liu, so he called a kind of Mr. Liu, who appeared The alienation and indifference made people's hearts tremble, "You know, when I went to work on the first day, did I keep the personnel manager in the office for a few hours?"

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