You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1566: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (39)

All the people in the conference room were choked.

This is not a meeting to discuss, should we cancel the meeting of Moses Cheng?

Why now, completely replaced?

And this proposal, everyone present here, even feel good!

Gao Feng said with emotion: "Those illusory names, compared with the real blow from Mo Zhi, are simply too light! What if our company is scolded? In a few years, the wind After all, as long as Moses is given the opportunity to make the company bigger, then in the future, no one will question his ability and his identity !! "

After Gao Feng said this, he looked at Mo Hai, and his eyes showed deep meaning.

Mo Hai didn't know why Gao Feng was like this. He frowned, but at the moment did not have time to explore the intention of Gao Feng. He could only look at the entire conference room. He said in a deep voice: "Everyone may commit crimes. Mistake, and Mo Zhi's mistake, at least I can make up for him personally, Mo Xicheng's ...

Mo Hai said here and glanced at Mo Xicheng.

Moxie narrowed his eyes, and a sarcasm smiled from the corners of his lips.

The slight taunt made Mo Hai dare not look directly into his eyes, so he turned his head and continued to look at the people in the conference room. "Now reporters know that Mo Xicheng is an illegitimate child. However, instead of letting Mo Zhi be the CEO of the company, only let Mo Xicheng take the post. What will happen when it is passed out? "

After he said this, he directly said again: "So I have to suggest that you temporarily suspend the position of Mo Xicheng and let Mo Zhi act as CEO, and you can give Mo Zhi another half-year inspection period."

In a word, the whole conference room was silent.

In the face of Mo Hai, everyone should give Mo Zhi another chance.

But when you think of the ridiculous things that Mo Zhi has done, everyone will think that if he is given another half year, will it really get better? And in the company, can it really stand up again?

Everyone was lost in thought.

Gao Feng stood there, face to face with Mo Hai, and neither of them let anyone.

Mo Hai stared at Gao Feng, "Lao Gao, you are enough, you sit down first."

Gao Feng sneered, "I've had enough of these years! How many companies came to dig me in, I haven't followed, even if it hasn't been pleasant in our company these years, but I look at you and Li Shu face , Staying in the company, but now, I'm really fed up! If you indulge in perseverance like this, something will happen sooner or later! No, no, it has already happened! "

Do you know that the son you care for is the illegitimate child!

Mo Hai frowned, "You ..."

Gao Feng sneered, "I put my words here today. If you insist on making Mo Zhi the CEO and let Mo Xicheng leave the company, then I will submit a resignation!"

Mo Hai straightened his eyebrows, "Lao Gao, you ... what do you say ?! In the company, do you want to listen to your own opinions?"

"Of course it is impossible to listen to my own opinions. Since we disagree, let everyone vote anonymously! When the time comes, see who has the highest vote, and whoever stays! Mo Hai, we are older and have different perspectives. Let us obey public opinion today. How about that? "

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