You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1567: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (40)

Gao Feng's words fell, and Mo Hai immediately frowned, looking at Gao Feng puzzledly.

He really couldn't understand why the summit would deal with stubbornness like this.

But after hearing Gao Feng's words, Mo Hai suddenly understood.

Gao Feng did this, he definitely wanted to let everyone choose it.

Morris is the CEO of the company, but after this incident, his reputation in the company will be greatly reduced!

But if this group of people is chosen by themselves, the results will be different.

At least to say later, they chose Mo Zhi instead of Mo Xi Cheng, then Mo Zhi will have this suitable reason and status in the company.

Not so embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Mo Hai nodded immediately.

Mo Hai's thoughts did not understand the peak.

But Li Gao's mind understood Li Shu.

No wonder Gao Feng calmed himself. Don't burst into the identity of Mo Zhi and Mo Xi Cheng at the beginning of the meeting.

Because, even if it broke out, Mo Xicheng has just entered the company and has no foundation. Even if he takes over the company in the future, he will not be able to convince the public. But if you let everyone choose, then Mo Xicheng only got half of the The number of votes can at least prove the strength of Mo Xicheng.

In this way, Moshi will take over the position in the company, and let it go, it will also convince people!

Thinking of this, Li Shu's eyes flashed a faint light.

She looked up, looked at Mo Hai, and nodded. "I agree with Gao Feng's suggestion."

Mo Hai saw Li Shu saying this, and immediately went down the ladder, "That's the way to decide, let people prepare pen and paper! Now that we have said anonymously, then everyone chooses according to their own wishes ! "

When he said that, he looked at Mo Zhi and slowly said, "I am such a son, and all my efforts have been devoted to this son. Recently, he has caused chaos to everyone, but I cannot do this Give up my son, so I must vote for Morse! "

Having said that, he took out a piece of paper by himself, wrote his life, and set it aside.

Immediately waving again, a secretary came in to arrange the paper.

There were dozens of executives present.

Mo Hai himself has some close friends. Now that he has made a stand, the group will definitely follow his hospital.

And Mo Zhi himself also has some close friends, almost no need to consider, must follow Mo Zhi away.

Therefore, even if there is no need to count the number of votes, there is at least a half.

In this case, if Mo Zhi loses to Mo Xicheng, it will be a shame in his life.

Everyone here understands this. You look at me, I look at you, and finally bowed my head, looking at the blank piece of paper in my hand.

After a while, everyone hid it, wrote down the name, and secretly gave it to the secretary for the secretary to count.

Five minutes later, everyone voted anonymously.

Mo Hai nodded. "Let Secretary Gao take the staff of the secretarial department and count the votes next door!"

Immediately after this remark, Gao Feng suggested again, "I suggest, it's just here, it's more convincing in public statistics!"

Mo Hai thought for a while, nodded, "OK, then do what you say."

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