You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1577: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (50)

Not directly speaking.

Mo Hai was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "Yao Lili and Mo Xicheng grew up in the next room next to the house from their childhood. You can move there now."

In a word, let Mo Zhi raise his head unbelievably and stare at Mo Hai.

Mo Hai lowered her head, but did not speak.

Mo Zhi narrowed his eyes, and finally nodded: "I know Dad, Mo Xi has suffered from snacks, I will go back and eat it again, if this can make my mother feel better ..."

After Mo Zhi said this, he went to the door.

At the door, I heard Li Shu suddenly say, "Wait a minute."

Mo Zhi stood still, turned back excitedly, and looked at Li Shu. He thought Li Shu was soft-hearted, but did not expect to meet him, but it was Li Shu's sentence: "Do n’t call my mom. "

Mo Zhi's heart was completely broken.

He lowered his head.

Nodded, and then left.

When Mo Zhi left the room, Mo Xicheng stood up and nodded strangely to the two of them: "Then I'll go too."

Li Shu closed his mouth and opened his mouth, "Mo Xicheng, you ..."

Mo Xicheng stood still and looked back at Li Shu. "Mrs. Mo have anything to say?"

Li Shu tangled and hesitated to say, "Mo Xicheng, you, you move to your house, shall you?"

Mo Xicheng narrowed his eyes and immediately said, "I'm used to living in the villa over there. I'm not used to living here."

Li Shu's heart flashed a loss.

But she didn't dare to show it, she just nodded, "That line, that line, then you can stay there and see you when I have time."

Mo Xicheng looked at her and spoke after half a ring. "No."

Li Shu's heart sank.

An unspeakable sadness came to my heart.

Moses Cheng really blame her, do not want to forgive her?

As soon as the thought fell, I heard Mo Xicheng continue to say: "I will often come back to see you."

Li Shu's mood flew up immediately, her eyes were all bright, and a warm liquid poured out, moistening her eyes.

Mo Xicheng smiled at her before leaving politely.

From beginning to end, Mo Xicheng never said a word to Mo Hai.

Mo Haiding looked at Mo Xicheng's back. When Mo Xicheng left, he said, "Although he hasn't been with us since he was a child, he is your son, and his temperament is unique."

The words fell, and no response was heard.

He turned his head and saw Li Shu staring at him, his eyes flashing with apathy.

Mo Hai said in a panic: "Li Shu, what happened to you?"

Li Shu's eyes faintly looked, "You sent Mo Zhi to the next room to live, you didn't plan to let him leave, right?"

Mo Hai swiftly spoke, stuttering: "Mo Zhi this child, you also watched growing up, he has no ability, is protected by my people in the company, so many years of mischief, nothing happened Son, get rid of him, what will happen to his future life? "

Li Shu heard this, couldn't help but smiled ironically, without speaking, went straight upstairs.

Mo Hai looked at her back, hurriedly raised her heels, and chased after her, and said in a rude remark, "Fortunately, we found Yao Lili's plot in advance. Otherwise, the mistake would be great ... "

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