You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1578: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (51)

"Now, Mo Xicheng has his name changed. The company must give it to him! He has the ability and ability to manage the company. He must be a good hand, and I can rest assured."

The meaning in the words is to give the company all to Mo Xicheng, which is to please Li Shu.

Li Shu settled down all of a sudden, Mo Hai didn't watch, and ran directly into Li Shu, hitting Li Shu's footsteps a little.

Mo Hai hurriedly held out her hand and helped her.

Li Shu fixedly looked at Mo Hai, "Did you think that Yao Lili's plot did not succeed?"

Mo Hai hesitated, "Isn't this the truth now?"

Li Shu sneered, "Mo Zhi is Yao Lili's son, but you care about his future, but what about Mo Xicheng? Every time you suppress Mo Xi Cheng before, have you ever thought about Mo Xi Cheng?"

In a word, let Mo Hai hold on directly.

He was indifferent to what he wanted to say.

It is because he is ashamed of Li Shu that he himself has pulled a lot of **** and urine.

Men's feelings for their children are often produced in the later contact cultivation. When treating Mo Xicheng, he always feels that he is a stranger, but treating Mo Zhi, the intimacy cannot be stopped.

Li Shu is right.

He rushed Mo Zhi to the next room, and it has been so far that he has not said subconsciously to let Mo Zhi return 20% of his shares to Mo Xicheng.

In his own mind, he wanted to help Morge.

His silence made Li Shu sneer and broke his arm and went straight into the master bedroom.

Mo Hai froze in place, and finally couldn't help sighing.

He couldn't manage to deal with Mo Zhi, as if he was so indifferent to Mo Xi Cheng.

There is really no way.

He lowered his head and stood just outside Li Shu's room door.

I don't know how long it took, Li Shu's room door was suddenly opened, and Mo Hai stunned slightly after seeing the suitcase in her hand, and then responded and said, "Are you going out to play? With so many annoyances happening at home, you really should go out for a walk and relax. You can rest assured that when you come back, things at home must be resolved. "

But these words fell, but Li Shu looked at Mo Hai, his eyes indifferent, "Mo Hai, let's divorce."

In a word, Mo Hai was stunned.

Li Shu lowered his eyes and dragged his suitcase away from him.

Mo Hai responded, grabbing Li Shu, "Li Shu, why?"

Li Shu turned his head and stared at Mo Hai, "Why, aren't you sure?"

Mo Hai didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Shu dragged the suitcase down the stairs and went out.

Mo Hai chased down, and at the moment Li Shu was about to walk out of the door, he grabbed her, "Li Shu, I know what you mean, you can rest assured, I'll rush away without permission, OK? Don't leave, I won't divorce you! "

Li Shu heard this and looked back. She fixedly looked at Mo Hai, her eyes were indifferent, but her tone was indifferent to Mo Hai. "So, what about the shares in the company?"

Li Shu was already dead.

The only thing she wanted to do now was to help Mo Xicheng and take back everything that belonged to him.

Treat enemies and sons of enemies, she will not relent again!

Because all the soft-heartedness towards Mo Zhi is cruel to Mo Xi Cheng.

PS: Backstage pumped up, I finished writing the update long ago, but it has not been displayed, I ca n’t just have more chapters ... Then, for some special reasons, this article temporarily changed the title of the book "You are my love and never forget" . After more than a month, I will change it back.

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