You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 1 Vehicle Appraiser Brian

Chapter 1 Vehicle Appraiser-Brian

September 12, 2005.

Commonwealth of America, Los Angeles.

A mid- to high-end apartment somewhere.

Brian pushed away the softness in his arms, got up and got out of bed, sleepily opened the window, supported his aching waist, and looked at the clean streets washed away by the heavy rain all night. His consciousness, which was still in a deep sleep, gradually woke up.

His movement woke up the woman on the bed.

The thick golden hair spread out, revealing the young and fair face underneath.

This is a Caucasian woman who appears to be young.

The woman's face still had the residual blush after a crazy night.

Cold air poured into the room.

The woman wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, her big sleepy eyes flashed charmingly: "Why don't you continue to sleep for a while?"

Brian ignored the other person.

He tightened his cashmere pajamas, came to the desk, took out a piece of parchment with complex patterns, and wrote in Confederate language:

Vehicle Assessment:


The end of the paper.

Brian signed his name, took out his seal, and stamped it on the signature.

So far.

A vehicle assessment, fresh out of the box.

He placed his assessment in front of the woman who was still curled up on the bed: "Thank you for your patronage. You can leave with your things now. If you want to take a shower, please pay an additional twenty dollars."

"Not interesting!"

The woman muttered and took the appraisal certificate.

However, when she saw the A-level evaluation on the appraisal, she couldn't help but smile with joy.

Last night's hard work was not in vain!

The man with black hair and brown eyes in front of him is a well-known vehicle appraiser in Los Angeles in recent years.

With this professional assessment report.

Her net worth will increase a lot.

"Thank you very much for your evaluation, Brian. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me!" The woman winked at Brian: "It's free!"

Brian didn't react much to the woman's hint and just nodded lightly.

The reason why I insist on doing vehicle evaluation.

On the one hand, he is short of money now.

on the other hand.

In this way, the deterioration of his mental illness can be alleviated.

Farewell to the disappointed woman.

Brian hit his sore waist and turned on the TV.

His recent high-intensity part-time job has made him physically and mentally exhausted.

The age of more than 20 years old, the body of more than 30 years old, and the cavernous body of more than 50 years old are the most realistic portrayal of him now.

Fortunately, the adoptive parents' medical expenses for this month have finally been collected.

Today is a day off.

Brian was ready to give his body, which was already close to its limit, a good vacation.

On the TV, hot news is being broadcast at this moment: "...observed by the observatory tonight...a blood moon astronomical phenomenon that occurs once in thirty years..."

"It's news again."

Brian frowned and changed the channel playing soap operas.

blood moon.

The blood moon in the news was not the simple red moon like in his previous life.

But the entire earth, regardless of the northern and southern hemispheres, no matter whether it is dark during the day, will be shrouded in blood at that time!

This kind of astronomical vision, which was unprecedented in his previous life, would always remind Brian of the teachers who accompanied him through lonely nights in his previous life.

It's a pity that they are no longer here.

Brian is a time traveler.

This world is a bit like the parallel world of his previous life.

However, the names of some countries have changed.

Some technologies are much more advanced than in the previous life in 2005.

As for Brian, it was a fetal translator.

His mother is a pure-blood Italian, and his father is a mixture of Italian and Chinese. They are both good-looking.

Brian, who inherited the excellent genes of the two, had black hair and brown eyes, straight and straight facial features, and delicate cold white skin, making him look like a porcelain doll since he was a child.

Until Brian was eight years old.

His parents disappeared during a car trip.

Brian was an orphan again, just like in his previous life.

Because his relatives in New York had a Mafia background, were all evil people, and had bad records. They could not pass the guardianship qualification review of the child welfare agency. There was no suitable adopter at the time, so Brian was sent to a children's home. , waiting for adoption.

This kind of place is not as cozy as imagined.

Sometimes, an overly outstanding appearance is not a good thing for a child without parental protection.

Good thing Brian wasn't really an eight-year-old.

He also had help from distant relatives.

After experiencing some unpleasant things.

Finally, with the help of his uncle, Brian was adopted by a kind-hearted couple and grew up safely.

As for the part-time job as a vehicle appraiser, it also has something to do with Brian's relatives.

several years ago.

Brian, who was still in college, was worried about expensive student loans and started thinking about ways to make money.

However, even though we have been together for two generations.

But in his previous life, Brian was a loser otaku with little social experience. He had an average IQ and low EQ. He relied on the inheritance left by his parents to make a living. He spent every day either playing games or typing on the keyboard, giving advice on the Internet, and scolding Fang Qiu. , or study some 'learning materials' and polish the ancestral spear.

make money?

Sorry, as a loser who doesn't want to make progress, he can't make any money!

Brian's greatest achievement in his previous life was probably the study materials on his computer hard drive that were huge enough to open several community websites.

This is also his biggest regret in his past life.

The sudden death was too sudden.

There is no time to format the study materials.

Doesn't this mean that his older successor, who abides by the law and keeps his integrity like a jade, will die an innocent death?

‘Efforts’ will not be disappointed.

Through the accumulation and foundation of countless days and nights in previous lives.

Brian quickly found his own path.

Through the gangster relatives who came to Los Angeles to develop, he successfully obtained a part-time job as a vehicle appraiser based on his good appearance and good words. After the internship, he quickly accumulated some reputation in the circle.

Some ambitious and independent women in Los Angeles will pay Brian for 'training' through various channels, and finally obtain an evaluation report issued by Brian.

For example, the girl who just came of age.

She was recommended here by her mother who had experienced the benefits and was equally motivated.

There are many similar examples.

A few years down the line.

Relying on these independent and motivated entrepreneurial women, Brian not only paid off his student loans, but also rented his current residence in a mid- to high-end community in the city.

The reason is not to buy.

In addition to the fact that this house is priced at more than 1.3 million US dollars, it is also because Brian's adoptive parents, who he respects very much, were both diagnosed with a serious genetic disease at the beginning of this year.

This not only wiped out his previous savings, but also owed a lot of debt.

However, working as a vehicle appraiser is just Brian's part-time job.

His main job is as a forensic assistant for Los Angeles County and the Bureau of Medical Examiner.

Forensic doctors, also known as coroners, although there are some differences between the two, are both responsible for examining corpses found by police stations in their jurisdiction, determining the cause of death, and issuing authoritative reports.

As an assistant who joined through the back door and has been employed for two and a half years, he is still half-assed.

Brian really doesn't have any love for this profession.

The reason for not resigning is simple.

Resign and he will die!

Chapter 1 has been revised, and it is estimated that hundreds of chapter comments have disappeared.

The modern technological era with a little bit of magic modification.

Barely considered a martial arts.

The protagonist is decisive in killing, but in the early stage he is still a little Karami, not the fierce one that Uemoto had from the beginning.

The pace will be slower in the first few chapters.

The parallel world background of this book and some location names will be fictitious. Book friends, please do not take it too seriously and just have fun reading it.

Do not participate in any debate in the comment section.

If anyone wants to complain, there is a special pinned post in the book club for everyone to complain about.

Don't go into trouble in the book review section, just spoilers.

I just want to write stories in peace.

thank you!

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