You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 2 Three-year agreement

The person who threatened Brian's life was none other than his 'family' who had helped him.


It's Brian's uncle Billy.

Before experiencing the incident of being buried alive.

Brian has always respected this uncle.

When he was eight years old, after he entered a children's home, because of his outstanding appearance, he was almost cosplayed by some hot-tempered male caregivers and the "parent" in a puff hot dog cosplay.

In order not to be attacked from the front and back.

Without any choice.

Brian, who had never killed a chicken in his previous life, struck first and used fire to purify these sins.

No one would suspect that an eight-year-old child is a criminal.

Brian thought he was safe.

But no.

Good things without the ability to protect themselves are too easy to attract the prying eyes of bad people.

A similar thing happened to him after he changed children's homes.

That time three caregivers died in an accident.


That’s four adoptive families.

For outsiders, it is difficult to imagine the filth hidden inside.

Just when Brian was awarded the title "Son of Disaster" and felt that if he continued like this, he would be exposed, he found a way to contact his tribe members in New York.

His uncle rushed to Los Angeles in person.

After knowing what Brian said about those 'accidents' and his current fame.

The uncle tried his best to help him find a kind-hearted normal couple as adopters.

Brian also ended his descent into a twisted path, and after having nightmares for a period of time, he returned to living a normal life.

For this uncle, Brian was grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Especially when Brian was ten years old.

His uncle, Billy Kamo, moved the Kamo family, which had only a dozen members left, to an Italian community in Los Angeles, and often invited Brian to family gatherings.

The patriarch, Uncle Billy, takes great care and respect for his nephew with a different surname.

Although the other tribesmen do all kinds of evil, including eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, killing people and setting fires, they are still friendly to this fellow tribesman who shares the same blood.

It’s been a long time.

Brian also has a sense of belonging to this mafia-born family.

His family helped arrange his part-time job as a vehicle appraiser.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to enter this industry.

At worst, they will be manipulated and controlled by gangsters and become tool men.

Zhong was shot dead directly by his colleagues who had robbed the business.

However, those vehicles are also equivalent to being affiliated with the 'brokerage company' established by the Camo family. Every time they make a transaction, the company will receive a commission. In exchange, the company provides them with protection.

Otherwise, there is no need for them to spend money to obtain an appraisal certificate.

Even though his family makes more money, Brian is still very grateful to his family for giving him this opportunity to make money.

So when his uncle approached Brian and asked him to give up his life plan and join the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Bureau, he thought of the care and recognition of his tribe, and finally compromised.

Brian never thought he would become a medical examiner's assistant.

He enjoyed studying body art.

But it's definitely not the kind of human body a forensic assistant studies.

The fun is not the same between the two.

Brian has a good resume.

He completed his college credits in two years. The key was that there were many prestigious male professors in the college who all gave him very good reviews.

So he successfully passed the interview and joined the Forensic Medicine Bureau.

After joining the Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

Brian was uncomfortable with it.

His position is forensic assistant.

The title sounds noble.

In fact, he is a handyman skilled worker who is mainly responsible for taking photos of corpses, sending various body tissues for testing, collecting broken corpses, and other chores arranged by forensic doctors.

When I first joined the job.

I saw the broken limbs and smelly internal organs of the same kind.

Brian vomited for more than two weeks and lost more than 20 pounds before he slowly got used to it.

This is about creating an accident and sending someone out of this world.

Completely two different experiences!

This intense incompatibility also caused Brian to suffer from severe mental illness.

He could only vent his stress and relieve his psychological problems through the stimulation of certain exercises under the advice of a doctor who practiced illegal medicine, so as to maintain his apparent normality.

It has been two and a half years since I joined the Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

Although the family never arranged for Brian to do anything.

But in order to alleviate the increasingly serious mental problems.

His daily life is very divided:

During the day, I check the bodies of the deceased people who are brought in, and at night, I check the bodies of those who are ambitious dreamers. Occasionally, I also take care of federal college students who are working on a work-study program, and do my best to help the new generation become independent.

This kind of thing will bring a sense of freshness and excitement to people at first.

It's been a long time.

Brian and his brother were numb.

He thought about restraining himself.

The result is that the brother is no longer numb, and his heart becomes numb, like a walking zombie, and he becomes increasingly depressed.


Brian felt like he couldn't hold on any longer and thought about leaving Los Angeles and finding an honest woman to live a normal life.

The resignation letter was handed in in the morning.

The person was almost buried alive in the afternoon.

Brian didn't really understand until the cold, smelly soil of the cemetery covered him.

The so-called family ties are all bullshit!

The purpose of his uncle's arrangement for him to join the forensic bureau was far from being as simple as he imagined!

It's ridiculous that in order to repay his family, even though he guessed that the family wanted him to do something illegal and disciplinary, he still did not hesitate to give up the glorious career path of dentistry and became a technical worker in the Forensic Medicine Bureau with no future and no status. I almost made myself schizophrenic!

The issue is!

If you have anything to do with your horse, just tell me!

If you don't say anything, just threaten your life, what's the point?

Brian felt like a tool that was randomly arranged for a certain purpose. He didn't need to know why. He just changed it when it didn't fit. There was no family affection involved.

This made Brian, who had been an orphan for two generations and longed for family affection, very angry and chilled!

More than a month later.

He relied on the psychiatrist who practiced medicine without a license to obtain some raw materials, prepared more than ten kilograms of explosives, and prepared to send his uncle and the tribesmen who took action away as soon as possible.

The result came unexpectedly.

The adoptive parents who treated him as their own son became seriously ill.

His adoptive parents were suddenly diagnosed with a rare genetic disease.

Conventional medical treatment will make their lives very painful, and painkillers cannot resist the pain. Better treatment requires self-pay.

Brian also suspected a conspiracy.

He specially spent money to hire experts to help his adoptive parents with their medical treatment, and the results were all true. It was such a coincidence.

Everyone will die.

Brian didn't expect his adoptive parents to survive this disaster.

But he hoped to make the two elderly people suffer less and leave in a more dignified way.

To maintain decency, money is needed.

A lot of money.

Humans are not beasts.

There is a weakness.

In order for his adoptive parents to die a good death, Brian finally had to accept his fate.

no way.

Reality is not a movie.

That group of people in the family are not little sheep either.

The Kamo family's funds had special money laundering methods, and finally all were deposited in foreign banks.

Only Uncle Billy knows the account password.

Brian knows his level.

His marksmanship is poor, and his IQ is only at the level of an ordinary person. At most, he can be a little shady. He will either send those people away at once, or he will be retaliated against, and then he will burp. It is basically impossible to torture the bank account number from his uncle's mouth.

In addition, uncle Billy leaked a little bit in order to appease Brian.

The reason why he asked Brian to join the Forensic Bureau more than two years ago was for an important arrangement three years later.

As long as Brian cooperates from behind, he can accomplish his goal.

The Kamo family will bear all the subsequent medical expenses of Brian's adoptive parents.

At that time, there was less than one year left before the three-year agreement.

Without any choice.

Brian could only work overtime and part-time while placing his hopes on the promises made by his uncle to appease him.

Now the three-year period is approaching.

This matter is about to have an ending!

This background is related to the world view.

The early stage was all foreshadowing and foreshadowing. There are so many masters in March, but the subject matter of this book is still so niche, but it still rushed to the top of the first order. This proves that the author's writing style and plot are at least within the standard. Brothers, please read patiently. Just go down.

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