You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 101: Life force field, reunion and pursuit (Additional chapter 2 for leader ‘Xiao Ai 6’)

The big man was startled. Seeing that Brian was tall and tall, with thin skin and tender flesh, he changed direction with some excitement and walked towards Brian.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Several younger brothers who were following the bald man caught up with him in confusion.

The bald man grinned: "Have fun."

Several younger brothers followed his gaze and saw Brian, who was tall and tall, with thin skin and tender flesh. They looked at each other and followed helplessly.

no way.

This boss is not afraid of meat and vegetables.

Fortunately, he didn't mess with his brothers, otherwise they would have run away long ago.

At first, the bald man was still smiling, but when he was eight meters away from Brian, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

do not know why.

The closer.

The bald man felt increasingly heavy in his heart.

It seemed that the other person's eyes were not a lustful look, but a death stare.

Until he was about four meters away from Brian.

The bald man stopped completely.

He felt that the man looking at him with cold eyes made him feel weak and scared.

Seeing that he was motionless.

Brian frowned and raised his fingers directly at him.

He hesitated for a moment.

The bald man avoided Brian's eyes. After greeting his companions, he trotted up to Brian and said respectfully: "Hello, I am the bald Merck of the Rattlesnake. I am quite powerful here. May I ask? what can I help you?"

Brian was secretly surprised.

Damn it, in addition to being a male succubus, the special pheromones emitted from my body are also useful to people of the same sex!

Is this considered a bastard's spirit?

Brian glanced at the bulge on the bald man's waist, and with a thought in mind, he blocked all the pheromones he was emitting: "Merck? Yes, my hands are itchy. Are there any shooting ranges with complete models nearby?"

Bald Merk, with a shy smile, raised his head and was about to say something, when his movements suddenly stopped.

its not right.

Isn't this just a pretty boy? Why did he have to be so groveling just now?

He coughed twice, straightened his bent waist, and said with a fierce tone: "Yes, as long as you have money, you can play with a rocket launcher, no problem. If you don't have money, you can stay with me for one night." "


Brian once again exuded the special pheromones on his body and looked at the other party with evil eyes.

Merck immediately felt his heart feel heavy again, as if a ferocious and bloodthirsty wolf was staring death at his throat.

Even his murderous boss never gave him such a sense of oppression!

FK, this guy is definitely not a good guy.

Merck's back, which had just been straightened, stooped again: "I mean, if you don't have money, it's okay. I'm just going to go to the shooting range to play all night. I can treat you. Let's play together."

"Forget it, I changed my mind."

Brian shook his head and left again with Thirteen.

It wasn't until Brian walked four meters away that the bald Merk dared to raise his head.

He touched his back and found that it was soaked with sweat.

"What a scary guy, it turns out that there really is such a thing as momentum in the world." Merck touched his bald head, returned to his younger brothers, and warned them not to mess with the man with the dog just now.

After leaving.

Brian went to find some stray cats and dogs and tried.

Also useful.

And it works further.

But not as obvious as with the same kind.

Back to the car.

Brian touched his chin and thought.

First of all, the special pheromones in one's body, that is, the aura, should only have an effective effect on humans at about four meters. Although it can also have an effect outwards, the further away, the smaller the effect.

For animals, it's a bit further away.

In the case of cats, the effect is within ten meters, and in the case of dogs, the distance is as high as more than thirty meters. Moreover, after you leave, the remaining breath will have a similar effect, causing them to avoid it subconsciously.

And dogs are far more afraid of themselves than cats are afraid of themselves.

Brian guessed that this should be related to their sensory sensitivity.

Dogs have stronger noses, and cats rely more on hearing, so dogs can sense their own danger from a greater distance and react more obviously, while cats are worse.

This special situation reminded Brian of Thirteen's reaction in Forest Park before.

Thirteen's perception is far beyond his own.

At that time, it was probably because they were stimulated by the special pheromones left around the two aberrant beasts that they showed such fear.

on the contrary.

Human beings, including myself, are slow to perceive this special pheromone, but do not feel this pressure.

"This special pheromone will be called the life force field from now on!"

Brian smiled softly.

This world is becoming more and more interesting.

Although Brian really wanted to find a shooting range and try out how terrifying it would be to have full firepower.

But considering the confidentiality, we are going to change the place to talk.

He can now control his muscles at will, change his face, control the gap between his spine and bones, increase and decrease his height and even body shape at will.

In another place, confidentiality is higher.

"Let's go, Thirteen."

After touching Thirteen's dog's head, Brian restarted the vehicle.

This time, he clearly felt something different.

Although the nerve response speed is not much different from before, there is no qualitative improvement, but it is much smoother in terms of operation and other aspects.

It's not that Brian was inflexible before.

It's just that his current body is too flexible.

Heart to body.

Even simply turning the steering wheel and stepping on the accelerator will give people a smooth rhythm.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

In networking terms.

That's Brian's physical latency, low.

The direct manifestation is Brian's driving skills. Obviously there is no improvement with experience, but just driving, there is a strange illusion of man and machine becoming one.

"No wonder the pervert, the shapeshifter, can easily learn pseudo-voice and master-level skinning skills. Holy shit, apart from things that require IQ, what other skills will be difficult for me to acquire in the future?"

Brian stepped on the accelerator and started driving the car directly on the country road.

Side by side, slow classic cars drove away quickly.

While Brian felt relaxed, he was also a little dissatisfied with his desires.

This broken pickup truck with a maximum talent of 140 is no longer worthy of who I am now. I will change it when I get back!

Leave the trail and rejoin the large road with wide views.

No more overtaking objects.

Brian is also wilted.

He grabbed Thirteen, who had been staring outside, and threw it into his lap: "Learn from it. When you grow up, you will also be able to drive!"



Thirteen nodded quickly and started studying seriously.

After driving a few kilometers.

Suddenly, Thirteen's ears twitched slightly and he shouted to the right: "Wangwang! (Big dog, something is coming)"

Brian looked away and saw a black Ford car, driving out of the Gobi desert, rushing up a slope with difficulty and rushing towards the road in front of him.

Super computing perception!

A large amount of data poured into Brian's mind.

He eased off the accelerator.

Three seconds later.

The black Ford swiped the front of his car and turned onto the highway.

Brian's eyes were slightly misty.

Through the perspective of right and wrong just now.

He discovered that the driver of the Ford seemed to be Sandy from the front.

Didn't the other party go to the auction to exchange money to buy medicine for the first time because of his mother?

next moment.


Several off-road motorcycles rushed up from the previous Gobi slope, chasing them while holding automatic rifles and shooting randomly.


Brian's pickup truck unfortunately became a shield for the Ford.

These people who were chasing him didn't care whether he was innocent or not, they just attacked him!


A stray bullet hit the right rearview mirror of Brian's vehicle, shattering the rearview mirror.


Thirteen immediately lay down under the seat.

Brian's face turned cold.

The back compartment of a pickup truck is not bulletproof.

Movies are all bullshit. In ordinary cars, the engine can stop bullets.

This cannot continue.

He glanced at the rearview mirror, and a large amount of data poured into his mind.

The next second.

Brian held the steering wheel with one hand and took out two detonators from his waist with the other hand, pulled off the leads with his teeth, calculated the time, and threw them out of the car window.


The two off-road motorcycles, almost in coordination, rushed to the detonator position and became a flying trapeze. They were killed without even screaming.

The three motorcycles behind them wanted to turn to both sides to avoid the overturned motorcycles of their companions.

Another detonator, as if predicted in advance, landed at the feet of the other two off-road motorcycles, blowing them up.

in a blink.

Of the five pursuing off-road motorcycles, four were destroyed and eight companions were killed.

The remaining off-road motorcycle was so frightened that it immediately turned around and tried to escape.

Brian had already drifted 180 degrees and chased after him.

He is a very principled person.

No matter what the cause of the conflict.

Once there is a grudge.

Then we must eliminate the root cause!

"FK! That car is coming after me!"

The thugs sitting on the back of the motorcycle turned their guns in panic, trying to shoot to stop Brian's pursuit.

Brian had already narrowed his eyes, and from a distance of more than a hundred meters, he pulled the pistol in his hand in advance.


The bullet missed the moving motorcycle a few meters away.

There is almost no stopping.

Another shot.

This time, the bullet came within one meter of the motorcycle.

When the thug was about to pull the trigger of his rifle.

The third pistol bullet drew a small arc and hit his forehead.

He stared blankly at the car behind him who was driving and shooting at the same time. He couldn't figure out how in this situation, the pistol could accurately hit a fast-moving motorcycle more than a hundred meters away!

Pa da ~

The corpse of his companion fell to the ground.

The motorcycle's center of gravity has changed.

The driver of the motorcycle failed to react in time, causing the car to slide off.

This also made him extremely lucky to avoid Brian's fourth bullet.

Brian frowned, pulled the steering wheel suddenly, and turned the car around. Under the influx of data calculations from supercomputer perception and precise physical control, he fired three shots at the passenger window of the thirteenth passenger, and then didn't look back. Chase towards the Ford car in the distance!

No one can prostitute themselves for free!



A Mexican who had just gotten up touched his forehead with a dull look, then looked down at his left chest where blood was constantly flowing, and felt his body getting colder and darker in front of his eyes.

After the pistol passed more than a hundred meters, the power weakened, causing him to have one last thought:

How could there be such a terrifying shooting skill in the world!

That was a pistol!

A pistol!

No one told him the answer.


The last thug's body also lost its breath.

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