You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 100 Evolution! Have I become a succubus? (Additional chapter 1 for leader ‘Xiao Ai 6’)

There are many Mexican barbecue shops here.

Brian inquired for a while before he found the one he was looking for.

The store is not big, only about a dozen square meters inside, with four tables placed. On the counter is a thin, middle-aged woman with brown hair wearing a headscarf.

Next to the woman, there was an old woman sitting.

The moment he saw these two people, a powerful warm current surged through Brian's body, which not only eliminated his fatigue, but also caused a subtle change in his body.


Brian remained calm, clenched his fists, whistled at Thirteen, and walked to the parking lot.

Thirteen glanced at Brian in confusion, moved his short legs, and chased after him: "Wang? (Big dog, why has your aura become more terrifying?)"

Brian ignored Thirteen and quickened his pace.

After returning to the car.

He immediately closed the curtains, collapsed on the seat, and let out a suppressed roar!

It hurts!

On the rear view mirror.

On Brian's handsome face, the nerves, muscles, and blood vessels... spread to other places covered by his clothes, as if everything on his body had a mind of its own and began to squirm.


Brian forcibly controlled his body, stuffed the towel on the front of the car into his mouth, tilted his head back, eyes wide open, and could hardly restrain himself from roaring to the sky!

In his angry eyes, the afterimage of the blood moon appeared actively and became clearer and clearer, as if he wanted to transcend the world in his eyes and descend into the real world outside...

Until a certain limit is broken.

A mist that was so thick that it was almost black slowly emerged from the depths of Brian's body and enveloped him.

"Woooo~ (It's so scary, the big dog is so scary now!!!)"

Thirteen, the co-pilot, limply moved to the back seat, and finally curled up at the bottom of the back seat, closed his eyes tightly, covered his little ears with his paws, and acted like a shrinking puppy.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Brian slowly opened his eyes.

He immediately looked at the rearview mirror and found that his appearance had not changed much. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, slumped back into the driver's seat and closed his eyes.

Almost as a thought.

A stream of information poured into his mind:

Gift Power: +10

Talent: Physical control.

Skills: Onomatopoeia.

The above is what Brian gained after completing the second obsession of the shapeshifter.

But these are not the point.

The key point is his strange change just now.

"I feel more relaxed when I use my abilities."

This was a completely different feeling from before, which made Brian confused.

He seems to have... upgraded.

Almost as soon as he thought about it, supercomputer perception transferred all the information into his mind, as if the software had been upgraded, causing the Internet speed to be faster.


Several other acquired talents have also become more comfortable.

He... seems to have evolved.


Brian's own gift ability from the blood moon has been upgraded.

"It seems that the biggest change in me recently was that I lost control of my emotions last time, went to the farm, and killed so many people at once... Could it be that because I vented once and met certain other conditions, I evolved?"

Without reference.

Brian had no idea except random guesses.

He began to try to figure out his own changes.

The biggest change is freedom.

For example, skill-Onomatopoeia.

Brian didn't need to receive and transmit memories, it was just like instinct, he could master it easily, and after two attempts, he could simulate the sounds of men, women, children, and even animals that he had heard.

The same is true for acquired talents.

Previously, if I wanted to receive new talents, I had to sleep.

Now, after changing for a while, you can learn it by yourself without a teacher.

The talent of ‘body control’ is really abnormal.

Brian discovered that he could not only control the muscles of the whole body, but also affect the internal organs and other tissues of his body to a certain extent, and to a very small extent, the hard bones.

This feeling is very strange.

It's like you have become a robot, and your brain has become the intelligence of the robot.

The thoughts are the same.

The body can complete the instructions perfectly.

Coupled with the physical talent of ‘pheromone control’.

Match each other.

Brian can now control his body, both endocrine and flesh and blood.

Isn't this a robot?

The surprises don't stop there.

Brian also discovered that after possessing such an ability, his supercomputer perception talent could truly be used to its full potential.

Because the supercomputer perception talent is equivalent to the external sensor of this robot.

Supercomputing perception: receiving information→brain transfer→body reacts.

Form a perfect closed loop.

It can be said.

If Brian gets another talent that enhances neurological reactions.

He even has the opportunity to recreate the bullet time of his previous life in the League of Assassins!

A true replica!

If you can get the kind of aberration beast that in the eyes of ordinary people is almost teleporting, with a moving speed of tens of meters per second,


Brian couldn't even imagine how strong he would be!

"I really want to have a battle now to see how strong I am!"

Brian looked at his changing hands with fascination, then lowered his head and pulled open the waistband of his pants.

Played for a while.

Brian suddenly felt a little heavy in his head, as if he was dizzy and tired when he got up after playing games all night.

He had a thought.

A piece of information appeared in his mind:

Physique: 1.2 (Speechless, this is marked in red for review!!!)

Spirit: One point one (0.5)

Probably because I have greater control over my body.

His physique has improved a lot, and his physical strength in all aspects is comparable to that of a senior athlete with no weaknesses, almost reaching the limit of ordinary people.

It is equivalent to not turning on the talent.

Brian relied on his body alone.

You can grab and lift a 400-pound barbell!

The speed of 100 meters can reach 100 meters in ten seconds!

Endurance comparable to professional top marathon runners!

No blind spots across the board!

If you activate all talents:

It's equivalent to opening the body's self-protection limits and unleashing all its power!

Brian hasn't tried it.

He didn't dare to try, fearing that the gifted energy in his hand would not be enough to repair his collapsed body.

This was the last move he left to himself.

Haven't used it yet.

“Don’t be complacent yet!

Aberrant beasts that are as strong as perverts are powerless to resist under the bombardment of missiles.

Facing the power of modern technology, the power of the human body is too fragile.

I can't swell yet! "

Suppress the swelling emotions rising in your heart.

Brian's perception moved away from the physical attributes and looked at the mental attributes, and then frowned: "It only took ten minutes to activate all the talents, but it actually consumed so much energy."

His abilities have been fully improved, and his mental strength can no longer keep up with his consumption.

Brian feels like his software has been upgraded now. His control over talents has become stronger, and his consumption has also increased. As a result, the mental strength hardware that was originally sufficient is now unable to keep up.

if it is like this.

Wouldn't it mean that absorbing messy talents in the future would cause greater and greater mental burden on oneself?

Brian was a little unhappy, but he was relieved when he thought that every time he completed his obsession with the dead, he could absorb some of the gifted spiritual particles to strengthen his mental strength.

as time flows.

He is destined to become more and more inhuman.

These will be nothing from now on.

"Forget it, at worst some rubbish talents will not be integrated in the future. Anyway, ordinary talents have no effect on me."

Brian shook his head and closed his eyes. While resting and feeling sluggish, his consciousness came to the conscious space.

within the space.

One big and one small, two small spiritual particles suspended.

The small particles among them are the spiritual gifts received by the old man in the hospital after completing his obsession last night.

The big one is a gift from the shapeshifter.

Before, Brian had to watch their death memories before he could absorb these spiritual particles.

Now, it is his free choice.

Brian didn't want to look at this kind of memory with strong negative emotions unless necessary.

He snapped his fingers.

The two spiritual particles instantly turned into flowing light and merged into his consciousness.

A comfortable chill surges through consciousness.

The consumed mental state was instantly restored to intact, and at the same time, the mental surge was significantly enhanced compared to before.

Under supercomputer perception.

His mental strength also reached 1.2.

It seems that the numerical value has not increased much, but just like his physical attributes, Brian clearly feels that the speed of his thinking has increased a lot.

This will also help improve his reaction speed.

Unfortunately, Brian has tried. The talent of 'physical control' lies in control, not strengthening. He cannot stimulate muscles to quickly thicken and lengthen, increase bone density, etc., nor can he stimulate neurons.

Otherwise it would be really outrageous.


Brian felt something was wrong.

He glanced around and realized that Thirteen was missing.

Brian's ears twitched slightly and he turned to look at the back seat with an evil look in his eyes: "Why are you hiding?"

This bitch, didn’t he just see his brother doing the snake dance?

Thirteen poked his head out first, and after making sure that Brian was back to normal, he jumped forward and licked Brian's hand flatteringly: "Woo~ (Big dog, you are even more powerful)"

"Are you so sensitive?"

Brian activated his enhanced sense of smell and sniffed at himself.

He was surprised to find that there was a special smell similar to Thirteen's on his body.

Brian's curiosity aroused.

He reopened the car door and took Shisan to an intersection.

Brian was going to try to see if he, like Thirteen, had evolved to a certain life level in his body and could be able to frighten the same kind of people.

He first tried wandering around.

It turned out that except for the people who occasionally looked at him and subconsciously avoided their eyes, there was no reaction from others.

Not right either.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Brian found that the opposite sex who was three or four meters away from him seemed to look at him more intensely.

He smelled it and found that after these people of the opposite sex came close to him for a certain distance, their bodies would quickly produce and emit estrus-like pheromones, causing them to have the illusion of falling in love with him at first sight.

It's like their bodies, after receiving more powerful pheromones from the opposite sex, actively send them signals suitable for reproduction.

"Damn, am I becoming a male succubus?"

Brian was a little unwilling!

He found another bald man with tattoos on his neck who looked fierce and ferocious. When he looked at him, he stared at him without emotion.

Bald man: ? ? ?

Why is this pretty boy looking at him with lustful eyes?

"Brian Lee

Physique: 1.2

Spirit: 1.2

Enhancement energy: 23


1. Supercomputing perception

2. Hound sense of smell

3. Rage

4. Pheromone control

5. Physical control


1. Eighteen styles of vehicle evaluation - Expertise

2. Throwing - Expertise

3. Human anatomy - Proficient

4. Explosive configuration - Proficient

5. Pistol - Beginner"

6. Side kick - Expertise

7. Skinning - Master

(As for skills, the protagonist will practice by himself later, and will definitely improve quickly. Learning technical things will also be scary fast, so I won't mention it specifically in the future.

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