You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 99 Encounter, Arrival

The first piece of information is to find the information about the shapeshifter's previous identity.

This piece of information is priced at 25,000 US dollars.

The pre-information states the target's family situation, address, family information, the current address of the family, and everything else.

However, detailed information can only be seen after payment.

If Brian refuses to pay, then Tarot will choose to deduct the corresponding cost from the million-dollar deposit in Brian's account.

Brian did not say anything and directly used an overseas account to choose to pay.

After the payment was completed.

The information of the shapeshifter's family suddenly appeared on the web page.

The other party's second obsession finally saw the dawn of completion!

Brian took a screenshot of the information and saved it in his notebook, and continued to look at the second piece of information.

The second piece of information is to find a group with a gluttonous tattoo that hunts wild animals.

This is related to whether the abnormal talent of the deformed beast can be obtained!

This piece of information made Brian a little disappointed.

There is very little information on it.

The intelligence brief only said that this is a global poaching organization originated in Vietnam, with members all over the world and many forces involved.

For such an organization, the intelligence value is only 8,000 US dollars.

Brian felt something was wrong.

He suspected that Tarot had not investigated at all.

This intelligence should be simpler for gray area organizations like Tarot. There might even be business cooperation between the two.

With doubts.

Brian still chose to pay.

8,000 US dollars is not a lot of money for him now.

After the payment.

Detailed intelligence appeared in front of Brian:

Beast Pavilion, a hunting organization formed by Vietnamese Chinese, originated in 1943. Members are unknown and the headquarters is unknown. Members are divided into trainers and grooms.

Trainers use the tattoo of the Chinese mythical beast Taotie as their identity. The number is rare. Each trainer has an independent hunting team and a high force value.

The groom has no identity, but is an agent. He is distributed all over the world and is connected through the internal network. He is responsible for finding customers and transporting goods.

Suspected intelligence: The Global Pet Association is suspected to have cooperated with the Beast Pavilion and is deeply involved.

Warning: The Beast Pavilion is a VIP member of Tarot. In order to protect the rights of VIPs, Tarot refuses to provide more relevant intelligence support.

Brian rolled his eyes when he saw the last line.

Then you still charge!!!

You know, if you go to the underground parking lot of some supermarkets or cross street corners, if you are not afraid of getting sick, you can eat fast food for only a dozen or twenty dollars, or even just give some equivalent food.

Eight thousand dollars is enough for many brothers to eat fast food.

Fortunately, Tarot still has some integrity and revealed a key piece of information: the Global Pet Association.

Brian rarely paid attention to these in his previous life, and he didn't know if there was a similar organization in his previous life, but in this world, there is a related industry association.

The main business is to arrange some pet competitions, awards and present pet pedigree certificates.

This is a large global association.

Whether it is cat, dog, or horse racing, there are basically members of this association who are responsible for participating in it, and it has a great influence in the circle.

It is difficult for ordinary people to provoke such a global association.

But at least it is in the open.

Brian still has a chance to get information about the "Beast Pavilion" from the other party.

In addition.

The official is also a good idea.

Poaching and hunting, I don’t believe that there is no official targeting them.

"You have to eat one bite at a time.

Now that you know the identity of that group of people, you have the opportunity to complete the obsession of the deformed beast.

My top priority now is to complete the obsession of the transformer first."

Brian put away the notebook, recorded the transformer information on paper, disassembled the notebook directly, and threw it into the garbage dump.

Back to the apartment.

He packed up his clothes and took Thirteen directly to find the transformer’s family.

The transformer’s obsession: I miss my mother and sister so much, I want to go back to see them.

The transformer’s original name is Tam.

Tam is from a single-parent family, with only his mother and sister. He was burned by fire when he was young, resulting in disfigurement. He lives in a small town in the countryside of the Commonwealth.

When Tam was sixteen years old, a vicious case of more than a dozen teenage boys and girls disappeared in the town where he lived, and the investigation was fruitless.

The next year, Tam's family relied on relatives to seek refuge and immigrated to the United States.

Later, Tam's information was cut off.

As for his mother and sister, they opened a Mexican barbecue restaurant in a small border city near Mexico in the southwest of New Mexico.

Brian is about 330 kilometers away from that small town, which is not far.

He plans to drive directly there.

It is close to Chihuahua, Mexico, with a hot climate, red rock cliffs, deserts, and cacti everywhere. It is the filming location of many western cowboy movies, and the public security is not very good.

Smuggling and border smuggling are very common things.

In addition, the communication inconvenience caused by garbage infrastructure.

Some drug lords and gangs like to conduct transactions in such no-man's land, and even border patrol law enforcement and drug enforcement teams are involved.


In these areas, the fairness of law enforcement teams is difficult to guarantee.

Here, it is difficult to distinguish between humans and ghosts. An inconspicuous guy may take off his police uniform and become a member of the gang. Put on his clothes and become a law enforcer again. These are all very common. things.

This is an industry chain that everyone knows, but no living person dares to touch easily.

Therefore, if you don't want to get into trouble, in a place like this, it's best to walk on the road and don't deviate from the voyage easily, maybe you will win the lottery.

If you saw it and ran away, don't call the police easily.

Because after calling the police, the person who comes to see you may be the pursuer you just escaped.

Go to a place like this.

Of course Brian wouldn't do it with bare hands.

Carrying an unnumbered, easy-to-carry pistol, half a pound of detonators totaling five pounds, and a dog, Brian put on his sunglasses and set out on the journey to the Mexican border.

The highway system of the Commonwealth of the United States is very developed.

After leaving the traffic-congested urban areas, as long as you don't encounter highway patrol officers, you can enjoy the joy of speed and passion on a wide highway with not many vehicles, no matter how bad your driving skills are.

Press the accelerator to death and listen to the hottest songs on the car stereo.

Brian was so happy that he wished he could add a pair of wings to his car and directly enter flight mode.

It’s no wonder so many people enjoy road trips every year.

This kind of reckless driving and the sensory stimulation of watching the scenery passing by outside are really addictive.

More than two hours later.

Watch the scenery change around you.

Brian drove the car onto a trail and after entering a small town, he found a roadside fast food restaurant.

Next to the restaurant, there is a private self-service gas station.

This kind of gas station is very common in the United States, and you can pay with credit card or cash.

Brian filled up the car with gas first, then took Thirteen into the restaurant. After ordering the meal, he gave the waiter a twenty-dollar note: "I want to go to Foplan on the border. Which way should I take?" The road won’t veer off course?”

"Wow, you are such a generous guy."

The waiter took the knife, flicked his fingers, ran to the back without saying a word, and brought Brian an area map: "Just follow the top. By the way, there are some mobile happy cars at this location, like Prices at the border are still cheaper, you know~”

The young waiter raised his eyebrows at Brian.

Brian understood instantly.

Every year in the United States, many people go to the Mexican border to play some things that are inconvenient to play in the federation. There are all kinds of pornography, gambling, and drugs, as well as some bloody or niche projects (the kind that cannot be written about).

Plus the price is low.

As a result, related industries along the way are very developed.

Brian thanked him, found a seat with the dinner plate, put Thirteen's portion in front of it with wrapping paper, and enjoyed the explosively hot barbecue, donuts, and hot cocoa.

When I'm almost done eating.

A brown-skinned, slender girl who looked young, carrying a large bag over one meter, ran up to Brian with a smile: "Handsome, I just heard that you are going to the Mexican border?"

Brian raised his head, looked her over, and nodded: "So?"

"Can you give me a lift? I can pay for some gas or help you drive." The girl winked and smiled sweetly, exuding a youthful atmosphere.

Brian glanced at Thirteen and saw that it didn't respond, then nodded: "As long as you're not worried that I'm a bad guy, no problem."

The girl immediately stretched out her hand: "Thank you, my name is Sandy. I am very poor. If you need money or anything else, you can tell me and I can consider it."


She also scratched Brian's palm, showing a maturity that was completely different from her appearance.

I’ve seen too much Gobi scenery and it’s boring.

In other words, Thirteen's body was too small, and his short legs couldn't reach the accelerator and brake. Otherwise, Brian would have wanted Thirteen to drive for a while.

Now there is a pretty girl in the car, which is eye-catching and relieves fatigue.

Sandy is very talkative.

According to her, after graduating from high school, she traveled to many places in the United States. She usually made a living by performing arts and hitchhiking when traveling. She also encountered dangers, but in the end she was able to avoid them. She has been homeless for more than two years now.

"Why go to the Mexican border?" Brian was a little confused: "You are very beautiful. There are many people missing there every year."

A little girl who has been able to run around safely for more than two years cannot be stupid and understand the risks involved.

"Buy medicine."

Sandy shrugged and said in a calm tone: "My mother is suffering from cancer. She has no medical insurance and has to pay for herself. I heard that there are cheap medicines here, and you can also auction your first time here, so I came here. ”

"Okay, sorry."

Brian didn't have much emotion about it.

In his part-time career, he has seen too many weird things.

In comparison.

Sandy, this is nothing.

Sandy didn't seem to expect Brian's reaction to be so dull. Surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she naturally changed the topic.

Chatting along the way.

It's about one o'clock in the afternoon.

After asking for directions several times.

Brian finally arrived at his destination.

"Thank you, Brian, you are a good man. I hope I have the opportunity to see you again." Sandy gave Brian a thank you hug before getting out of the car.

"Wish you all the best, too."

Farewell Sandy.

Brian's eyes flashed with excitement.


Finally completing the second obsession of the shapeshifter!

The talent of the shapeshifter is most likely to be the category of physical control.

Once obtained.

Combined with supercomputing perception.

Brian will immediately become a sharpshooter, and the humanoid auto-aiming plug-in will have a qualitative improvement in combat power!

With strong expectations.

Brian began to inquire about the location of the barbecue restaurant in the surrounding area.

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